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Everything posted by majazac

  1. does it never stop?
  2. i loved the old games like Day of Tentacle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Zac McKraken and others
  3. 1392
  4. reallly good.. but i think that it's a bit too bright... it doens't really seem that the graffiti is in the wall
  5. good advice... what happened then, HL?
  6. and i missed this hacking... darn... why does everytime that i'm out things happen??? grrrr :angry:
  7. caps on usually means that you are yelling. and yell is not nice. I like the democratic party. though i don't live in us nor vote there
  8. don't post twice in a row. if you want to add something edit your post. You have to wait more than an hour to double post
  9. it haven't premiered in my city. waiting to see it. but movies made out of books are usually far worst.
  10. majazac

    New Skin

    liked the idea... btw i talked about heliohost to a friend and she is problably going to come here.
  11. can't really say, since i don't live in US. But i like Time and People
  12. i agree that the cd prices are abusive. Here in Brazil an internacional cd costs about 40 or 50 depending on the artists. Talking to lots of people i came to the conclusion that if a cd costed 15 to 20 at the most half of the piracy would be off. cuz many people prefer to buy the original cd
  13. majazac

    More Updates

    great news!!!! can't wait to see the new skin and features... YAY!!!
  14. i'm gonna try
  15. i already used the banana... is not that discomfortable. but really... nintendo is always copied
  16. i like those games too... Have you tried AoE III? Or Civilization? they are good.
  17. you're right Chris. The riots are cuz of the mistake of the police
  18. 1389
  19. too bad for you. you can always try to sell just the food
  20. the problem is that you necromanced a topic and didn't made any valuable comment.
  21. is it based on that game?
  22. don't get me wrong. We have it in Brazil. Just Noth and Northeast of the country don't
  23. lol really funny... i love jokes that makes fun of Bush... Gosh it was so weird to see my dumb president with your dumb president in the same place...
  24. yep. thoughy the same way... we're wrong... ask djbob that he'll fix that. just don't delete it anymore
  25. are you still profiting from it?
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