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Everything posted by majazac

  1. it's from human nature to socialize. we need that everyday. If you can't socialize properly, unless you're billionaire, you wont have a very nice life
  2. so why did you say that no one did?
  3. thank god mather solved...
  4. i saw that.... at least he won't write anymore unless he comes back with another alias
  5. i'm just a bit (to say the least) pissed of by this guy
  6. on mine too... i guess that i already wrote 4 or 5 posts about that
  7. i know that HL, that's why i have ginving up on giving him what he wants. I won't argue with him, unless he REALLY offends me... why will I go down to his level? no thanks.
  8. actually the real condition name is apsberger
  9. 1385
  10. if you're not talking about the meat, then just DON'T spam
  11. yeah, but don't try t get point by spamming.
  12. chris, going for the risk of being a pain in the [bleeped!], stop answering with just one word or telling absolutly nothing of value
  13. 1383 what i think is weird is that he is spamming about every single topic with just one word and i do agree that he is posting within minutes of each other
  14. when you registered the host you entered a username with max of 8 characters. is this username you have to use, not the helionet username
  15. yeah, but is not the most important scene by far
  16. w/e the fact is that u prefered a scene that actually is not really important to the book
  17. that's not quiet what google says... but... you can call me what u want. i couldn't care less
  18. gmail is indeed the best
  19. assburgers? what heck is that???
  20. [bleeped!]. i thought i had answered this topic... happy late b-day, GM268!!!
  21. do it!!!! pliz!!! i love those kind of stuff
  22. really funny... is there any more?
  23. i would like to join... but 4 people... really too much...
  24. hey! i do!
  25. i want a team!!!!
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