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Everything posted by HosterSlice

  1. I would need to know the ports for charlie. Anyway, I G2G for now. I added some class to the site though.
  2. Is there anything else you would like it to monitor? As in update, here is what it currently monitors: stevie.heliohost.org Apache SSL Apache MySQL cPanel SSL cPanel SSL Webmail FTP WebMail POP3 IMAP SMTP Secure SMTP IMAP 4 Over SSL Secure POP3 johnny.heliohost.org Apache SSL Apache MySQL cPanel SSL cPanel SSL Webmail FTP WebMail POP3 IMAP SMTP Secure SMTP IMAP 4 Over SSL Secure POP3 www.helionet.org Apache MySQL www.heliohost.org Apache MySQL
  3. Just so you guys know, it's done. http://isup.hosterslice.asia/index.php
  4. Ok, I have my monitor made. I have 2 request: I need the IP: unblocked in the firewall for the checks I also need a list of ports you want checked.
  5. Just saying, when you reach these stats: Total posts 1918 • Total topics 1692 • Total members 1791 • Our newest member prefileCori It's time to get a VPS
  6. This came up in my current project, so I thought I would share. <?php function rawshell($cmd) { $t = time()."txt"; $cmds = explode(";",$cmd); $out = ''; foreach($cmds as $c) { exec($c." &> ".$t); $out .= file_get_contents($t); } exec("rm -f ".$t); return $out; } echo rawshell("ls -al; whoami"); What this will do is give you the output you would get as if you had done it via ssh. **NOTE: THIS WILL NOT WORK ON SITES HOSTED HERE AS EXEC AND THE LIKE ARE DISABLED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES!**
  7. I see. They need to get with the times Pretty sure it went obsolete years ago.
  8. Yes. I do not know why cPanel still has that in its' software.
  9. Ya, I'll make one. I'll be using a vps. I'll have a web portal running soon
  10. This actually is the correct section since this is about coding. Would be done in PHP or the like.
  11. If I created an uptime monitor, would there be any interest?
  12. No need to do that yet. Do that when ur domain is gonna expire. It costs $$ to move domain.
  13. Tell your registrar they are stupid. You should have full control of your dns. Weather or not your config will work.
  14. Just so you know, when it says root web, it means of the url. I'm not sure if you can add an addon domain, but thats what you want. Create folder wp/ Add an addon domain that points to wp/ Then, setup WP MS like normal If you need help in doing so, PM me. I can help.
  15. Why not just get vps's? Does this mean you guys are using a dedicated server?
  16. That means exactly what it means. In Class: skin_profile_3 you are trying call method: tabReputation which isn't there. You should look at the class for skin_profile_3
  17. I use Centos whenever I use Linux because Cent OS is the distro I started using when I got into computers. Plus the fact YUM is really simple, and makes it easy to install software.
  18. I see that it has expired, however google chrome doesn't seem to care. It should be simple enough for cPanel (WHM) to regen their certs however.
  19. Do you need to do this once? If so, you can just use a system call with php, if that is enabled.
  20. Hi Walfix, There is an easy fix for this. First, you will want to use this function: <?php function mime_content_type($filename, $mimePath = './') { $fileext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1); if (empty($fileext)) return (false); $regex = "/^([\w\+\-\.\/]+)\s+(\w+\s)*($fileext\s)/i"; $lines = file("$mimePath/mime.types"); foreach($lines as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') continue; // skip comments $line = rtrim($line) . " "; if (!preg_match($regex, $line, $matches)) continue; // no match to the extension return ($matches[1]); } return (false); // no match at all } ?> Then, download this file to your home folder: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/conf/mime.types I recommend addind the following to the bottom: application/x-httpd-php php This is because by default it does not have the php extension in it, Then, use the function like so: <?php $type = mime_content_type($filename); ?>
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