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Everything posted by Sungazer

  1. anyone have any PLANS for this weekend?
  2. lol Yes what i ment was im not using a skinning program. What I used to crack the dll was called UXTheme Multi-patcher. Btw you'll be happy to know they have one for Vista ... I did a little research. Finding the themes I'll leave up to you though.
  3. It is free, its not vista and it wouldnt work for vista that i know of Basicly it cracks a dll that MS uses to make sure you cant use unreg'd themes with XP, so its great cause it uses no more memory and cpu than the normal XP theme, unlike desktop-X or window blinds, which I have used both of. and theres actually another cool one that i know of for XP that i used to use called xoblite aka black box for windows. edit: heres some screens of xoblite http://www.boxshots.org/index.php?action=s...lite&type=2
  4. bah was nothing more than a FLECK of a white lie no big deal
  5. But you're not learning anything that way. Actually, you are, because it generates the code for you, so you can then see how to do things in code without it. It teaches you how to create controls, it teaches you about constructors, how to set properties, how to use 'handles' to add event handlers, etc. Be honest, how many people do you think that read the auto generated code and dont and dont already know what its doing are going to go out of there way to look it up? PS: I learned how to program on VB6 lol
  6. uber drill-o-matic 5000 on
  7. Try taking out ODBC 3.51 That fixed my problem with an MySQL connection string problem before Edit: And if I remember correctly I was getting that same error
  8. yeah, i just remembered this one time were i fell off the school wall and got a concusion, then had to take a spelling test which i FLUNK
  9. Wow, I was trying to think of a polite way to phrase that Joe, thanks for saving me the trouble. I agree with just about everything you just said. Though I dont believe that python is the best language to start out with, but I do agree it is an excellent OOP language.
  10. Not to be an [bleeped!] and Im pretty sure it wasnt ment to be litteral, but I find that quote... whats a good way to put it... a little slow in the mental facilities.
  11. I would agree with spore which is suposed to come out real soon... suposed to. Starcraft II is going to be amazing but i dont think they are going to release it untill christmas next year, mainly because they have the WOW expansion rolling out later this year. And Diablo III will be amazing when it rolls around, but my guess is that it wont be untill christmas of the year after SCII. Horray for maximizing profit at the expense of my patience
  12. dont remember seeing it, but you know it sux to get a bee STING
  13. a miners two pointed pick is called a FLANG
  14. Definatly wait the full 24 hours. I got the email long before I was able to access it.
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