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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Try going through here and clicking "yes" and see if that works. http://heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/files/dumpitconf.html
  2. I saved it to my site the other day. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/images/heliohost.png
  3. Your site seems to be ok now. You will get that error when the server load is unusually high. We do what we can to keep it down.
  4. If you'll just not login to your cpanel for 30 days it will delete itself.
  5. I wonder why your not seeing these images on the forum? I'm seeing these ok. http://www.4dvb.co.cc/advert/an01.jpg http://www.4dvb.co.cc/advert/an02.jpg http://www.4dvb.co.cc/advert/an03.jpg
  6. Try this perl script and chmod to 755. Don't forget to change the username. #!/usr/bin/perl -w print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; system 'rm "/home/byron/public_html/news/j" 2>&1';
  7. I'm seeing the logo ok. http://www.4dvb.co.cc/advert/heliohost.png
  8. OK your domain is now: ********.com Give it 24hrs to resolve.
  9. We had some problems yesterday and it seems they've been corrected so you shouldn't have any problems with Frontpage connecting. As far as the FTP goes make sure you ftp into your account this way: FTP-target: ftp.snowclan.heliohost.org Username: your_username Password: your_password Directory: public_html
  10. Gmail is blocking us now and djbob is looking into getting us off of thier spam list. If you don't see any improvement in a week then bump this thread back up and I'll escalate it to djbob.
  11. Did you use something like this for your forms? $text = $_POST[text]; $text = str_replace("<?","",$text); $text = str_replace("?>","",$text);
  12. Do you have any idea how they were able to get to your site? Does anybody else have your login information besides you? What kind of site are you running and do you have any vunerable scripts that might allow php injecton?
  13. Theres no need to upload or ftp to the www directory. If you want people to see the www version of your page, just add the www to the url. Like I stated before the www will reflect all the files that are in the public_html directory without you doing anything.
  14. The server load gets kind of high at times because of people abusing server resources. We hope to better this with an addition of another server going online soon. As far as not being able to see your www with ftp, you don't need to see the www with ftp. All files are viewable and ftp'd through your public_html directory and your www ALWAYS reflects what's in your public_html directory.
  15. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  16. The admin. (djbob) will post and let you know.
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. Let me make a suggestion if your application is written in php. Use a php include to run the update script so that everytime somebody visits your page the weather gets updated. Using this method instead of a cron job.
  18. I assume your game is using php? Why not just include the cron script into one of the game's pages so that everytime the page was opened it would execute your cron script. <?php include("cron-script.php"); ?>
  19. You can't have a cron job run every 3 hours unless you get it authorized by djbob. You can only have 2 cron jobs run once a day or 2 cron jobs a day. Why do you need to run a cron every 3 hours?
  20. I'm seeing your domain just fine with the www. Refresh your browser's cache. http://www.modularspacetoys.co.cc
  21. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
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