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Everything posted by Byron

  1. The time on the forum isn't correct, so don't even go by that. Try my simple script and see if you get the same results. I had to change the time zone in my script because my site is set for Eastern time in my htaccess file. Also remember php hours are like this - 00 to 23. <?php # set time zone putenv("TZ=US/Pacific"); # get current hour $hr = date("G"); # get current minute $min = date("i"); # subtract time remaining $hrlft = 23 - $hr; $minlft = 60 - $min; # OUTPUT echo "Today's date ".date("F j, Y, g:i a")."<br />"; echo "Signups reset in $hrlft hours $minlft minutes <font color=\"#000080\">(12:00 am pst)</font>"; ?> http://heliohost.uni.cc/sign-up.php EDIT: I just checked yours and it seems to be showing the correct hours remaining. So I'm guessing your ok.
  2. You figured right. You didn't happen to change your time zone in your root htaccess file did you?
  3. You can find local (server) time at the top of this example. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/ssi.shtml <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --> @Geoff: If your grabbing the time using php, put this at the top of your script and it should correct the local time: putenv("TZ=US/Pacific");
  4. Sorry but we don't keep backups of anybody's site.
  5. Looks like it got deleted. Did you login to your cpanel every 30 days?
  6. Since we only allow 2 cron jobs a day here at heliohost, here's a way to get 7 different cron jobs while only using one of your allowed cron jobs. I wrote this simple script to use on my site to clear old files in several directories. Make a php file and call it something like curl-cron.php and add the code below to that file, then set your cron job to run it every 24 hours. : <?php $today = date("w"); $url = array( "http://sunday_cron_job.php", "http://monday_cron_job.php", "http://tuesday_cron_job.php", "http://wednesday_cron_job.php", "http://thurdsay_cron_job.php", "http://friday_cron_job.php", "http://saturday_cron_job.php" ); $url = $url[$today]; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); ?> Now you can replace each day of the week with a different cron job.
  7. I don't know how to solve your problem but you might try looking at the files from this zip: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/djangotest.zip Django Working on my site: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/djangotest/dispatch.wsgi If you try the zip above make sure to edit these lines in wsgi to suit your site: sys.path.append("/home/byron/public_html/djangotest"); os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/home/byron/.python_egg_cache'
  8. Byron

    Free DOMAIN

    We don't offer free domain names upon registering. You can register with a heliohost sub-domain if you don't already have your own domain. YOUR_NAME.heliohost.org Or you can go here and signup for a free domain name with this site: http://www.co.cc And then come back and signup with that domain name.
  9. @Wizard & jje: His account was in the database and I deleted it for him, but before I could post that I had deleted it, the server was under a heavy load and I was unable to post. @Soul Summoner: You can go ahead and create another account now.
  10. You're getting that message because you've already registered an account with us: doisnet.com.br You're only allowed one account.
  11. What, no VP named byron? j/k Thanks for all of your hard work djbob!
  12. There only important if your using htaccess. I don't believe it removes the htaccess file in your root directory. If your not already using any htaccess and if any get deleted you can always create a new .htaccess file and cpanel will actually create an .htaccess file when you start password protecting your directories.
  13. Okay I've added this to my script: set_time_limit(60); Hopefully that will stop it after 60 seconds.
  14. Why didn't my site come back up on it's on once all the requests had stopped?
  15. btw, that's not an error message, it's called a Server Signature. You'll see that at the bottom of any open directory.
  16. Thanks djbob. So are you saying I'm getting too many requests at once to my phonifier tool? Is there anyway to keep that from happening?
  17. I'm seeing the same page when I go here: http://helix.heliohost.org/index.html http://helix.heliohost.org/ http://www.helix.heliohost.org/ Clear your browser's cache if your not seeing the same on all 3.
  18. Seems anything like php or cgi/perl is throwing a 500 error on my site. I checked my Error log but it isn't showing anything. Could you take a look djbob? http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/server_load.php
  19. The first time I reset his password I emailed it to him and that email address he posted matched his registration email. He also posted back with this ip and it's close enough for me to believe it's him logging in: I really think he's just changing it at the cpanel to a password that doesn't jive. I banned the other ip at the cpanel IP Manager.
  20. The last login at your cpanel was from this ip: And who ever that was must have changed your password. Since you say you couldn't login then I assume it was somebody else so I blocked that ip and changed your password. I will PM your password one more time and when you change it at your cpanel, do not use uppercase or special characters.
  21. You could add: blogkudiariku.co.cc as a Parked Domain from your cpanel and nobody would know the difference. That way you could keep both domain names. Or an administrator could change it for you.
  22. Your site seems to be fine now. Everybody will get that error from time to time because of server overload. Some people tend to abuse server resources and we deal with then when we catch them.
  23. ASP.NET isn't running at this time. It should be available within the month.
  24. I had to reset your password again so that I could login. When I got to your cpanel it said the last login was from this ip, which isn't mine: Is this your ip and did you login and change the password since I changed it yesterday? Make sure when you reset the password at your cpanel that it's all lowercase and no special characters. I will PM you the password.
  25. Yes you can do that and then when you aquire your domain name you can just add it as a Parked Domain or an Addon Domain. That's fine with us if you want to build and donate websites but be aware that your only allowed one account per person. So the person your building the website for would have to register the account first.
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