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Everything posted by Byron

  1. BTW, you don't want to use: handmadebyerika.heliohost.org Anymore. Your domain name is now: handmadebyerika.com
  2. I'm sorry I quoted the wrong domain name. My post should have said to remove handmadebyerika.com as a Parked Domain. I wouldn't change the nameservers again, it would just prolong the propagation. Just give it another 24 hours and it should be ok.
  3. All you needed to do was go to your registrar and change the nameservers to: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org You do not need to create a parked domain with the same domain name. You should remove daman371designs.com as a Parked Domain.
  4. It's probably because of high server load. This should be getting better as time goes on. We are in the process of deleting a bunch of old accounts and that should help make the server stable. Plus we have a new server that just went online a couple of weeks ago and when that's completely up and fully running it should also help stablize the problem.
  5. Well it did actually do something but it didn't help your MySQL dates. What you did was change the date and time on your site when using php date(). As far as changing it for MySQL I can't help you but I'm sure somebody else can.
  6. Those are Frontpage Extension folders. If your not using Frontpage, then go to your cpanel and look for the Frontpage Extension link and click on "Uninstall" and that will remove all of those folders.
  7. Try: ftp.stevie.heliohost.org or ftp.handmadebyerika.heliohost.org And yes you want to upload ALL files to your public_html directory and NOT your www. Your www directory will reflect what's in your public_html directory.
  8. Ok I've reset your password and successfully logged into your cpanel. I will PM you the new password.
  9. I'm seeing your site ok now. Unfortunatly we all get 500 errors every now and then when the server load is extremly high. This should get better as time goes on.
  10. It's probably due to high server load and it's usually worse in the mornings. Try it a little later in the afternoon and see if that's better.
  11. Try logging in from the heliohost home page. http://www.heliohost.org/
  12. You already have an escalated thread on this same subject. Please stay with that thread. Memory Used 87% pertains to the entire server, not just your site. Closing...
  13. It's really not that big of a deal. I'm sure your other site was set up the same way if html pages were parsing php. All it means is that all of your html pages will be parsed for php wether they use php or not. You'll probably never notice the difference.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  15. It's probably due to high server load. It's usually worse in the mornings. Try it later on in the day.
  16. Any pages using php need to have a .php extension. So the easiest solution would be to rename your page to index.php. If that's a problem for you and you have many pages on your site using php with a .html extension, you could add this piece of code to your root .htaccess file: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .html Now all of your files ending in .html will be parsed for php.
  17. Ok your domain name is now: review-a-prof.com Gived it 24 hours to resolve.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. You can add as many subdomains to your main domain as you want. So it is ok to add: forum.breakthesecurity.com
  20. What error message do you get when trying to ftp into your site?
  21. Before I escalate this, go to your cpanel and look at this line: Disk Space Usage ??.??/250 MB Where I have the question marks, what does yours say?
  22. core_dump files will sometimes get dumped because of php errors. They are VERY large files that will eat up your space pretty quickly. Upload this script to your root directory and give it a .php extension. http://heliohost.uni.cc/site_search.txt Type core as the file name and it will search your entire site.
  23. You might want to check your site for core files.
  24. What do you see when you try going to your website? I'm seeing an open directory of your folders. Have you tried logging in through the home page? http://www.heliohost.org/
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