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Everything posted by Byron

  1. You were suspended for sending too many emails.
  2. When your caught phishing, your not allowed to retrieve any of your site.
  3. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  4. It means your site got deleted because you failed to login to your cpanel every 30 days.
  5. The only way to reset it would be for me to delete the account and you sign up again.
  6. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  7. Your probably right. Anyway your site is back up and your login is up to date and that's what matters.
  8. If you visited that link that came with the email, that would have renewed your account for you.
  9. Your account is showing active and I can see your site. Refresh your browser's cache.
  10. I have renewed your account. Please login to your cPanel once every 30 days. Refresh your cache if you don't see your page.
  11. Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache. http://wiki.helionet.org/Clear_your_cache -- Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  12. Here's 5 different ways to make it work, but I'm not sure which ones will work with us. @administrators: Can Johnny use php.ini files? I know Stevie can't but it seems I remember we could on Johnny? Forgot to add the link: http://www.geeksengine.com/article/php-include-path.html
  13. Type in domain names without the www http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain
  14. Our PHP is setup under suPHP - it isn't compiled under a DSO. In other words, the php_value directive does not exist under our Apache.
  15. Look for Connecting Remotely: http://wiki.helionet.org/MySQL_Databases
  16. The .shtml extension is for SSI (Server Side Includes). Sorta like cgi/perl. html and javascript should work fine on a page with a .php extension. Just write the html and javascript like you normally would on a page with a .html extension except use the .php extension.
  17. Your account has been suspended again for sending too many emails.
  18. Your script is working. I just now uploaded this image: http://primitiveelegance.com/images/e11f78c97e8c20f91361ae9f5cb3c49e.jpeg And the error your getting is this: You've edited the original script and that's why your getting that error.
  19. Since I'm not where I can trouble shoot your acript right now and it's really not our respnsibility to do so, you should probably ask your questions in the forum of the writer of the script: http://www.zubrag.com/forum/ Just make sure you don't have any problems uploading through the cpanel. You might want to check your Error Log at your cpanel for an explanation of the 500 error.
  20. I'm seeing some image files in your images folder. Is the problem still a 500 error or is it that your browser isn't getting redirected to the image?
  21. Ok go ahead and register on Johnny. Once your site comes up you'll need to make a request for Java.
  22. So is your issue resolved now?
  23. Did you go inside the php file of the upload script and modify the settings? Also did you create the upload folder?
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