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About konzept

  • Birthday September 8

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  1. Just wondering if there will be any future plan to have Node 18 installed on Tommy? Since some of the popular frontend frameworks nowadays require Node 18+ in order to work properly.
  2. my first time using it. https://etherscan.io/tx/0xca722819cff94c2c0842dad230eab4c1b74ff8eccc122050d4ba28aaecc70ef3
  3. I see. No worries then. Will stick with what I have now till I figure out another way to donate from Singapore.
  4. Pretty sure its older than 3 years already. Never mind about that. As for the plesk queue one. its for this account under the id: konzept , which was quite ahead in the queue system back then. However, I can't seem to track back the transaction info. Not sure if you have a record of that. Or else it's fine then i guess.
  5. Sure. Its okay to delete it and reinvite me. Regarding the transaction numbers, one of it was for the queue for the plesk upgrade recently but I am not sure if that one counts as a donation. The other one would be "Transaction Id: 0YK24229TD003500N" "Confirmation Number: 0YK24229TD003500N" (Paypal)
  6. Hi there, may I ask for your help to reset my account please? My username is: konzept Would like to check too if my previous donations are eligible for the storage upgrade. It's fine if not. Thank you very much.
  7. Hi there, I just changed my email. Do I just wait for the email or is there something else required to do? Thank you.
  8. konzept

    Johnny Move

    Thanks for your hard work. So does that mean we have to wait until the migration to Plesk is done in order to access our file directory to modify files/folders etc?
  9. I think that's what I did (had 2 cron jobs which was set to run once daily) except I was testing some changes and probably hit the limit and thus got removed. I'll try to add again on the next day then. Thank you.
  10. Hi mods, Just checking if there is something wrong with the cron or my account, my cron jobs keep disappearing minutes after they were created and show 'No cron jobs' at the cron jobs section. Much appreciated if you could look into this soon. Username: konzept
  11. Hi there, Can you please help me unarchive my account? Thank you. Username: konzept Server: Tommy
  12. Thank you for your help! My account has been created now.
  13. Thank you Byron. I've used the link you sent to create an account. However, the same username(konzept) couldnt be used. So I've created with the new username(konzept1) instead. Is it possible to change it back to the old username instead? Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  14. Alright, thanks for the heads up!
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