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Everything posted by PCBSunbird

  1. I typed in tommy.heliohost.org put in 1342 for the port used my user and password and hit connect Keeps saying it timed out after 20 seconds
  2. I followed the instructions but ftp is not connecting to tommy
  3. how do you download backup files?
  4. Trying to log into my CPanel and get the following screen once I hit continue to CPanel. My site is on Tommy. I also mentioned this on the heliohost facebook page.
  5. Looked through all the add ons and see calendars and shopping carts, but nothing that look like what I am hoping for. Looking for a calendar that people can request dates and if taken, will let them know or will allow them to book the dates if not taken.
  6. Any recommendations on a pre-built widgit for bookings? I have a vacation rental and would like to add this option so people can book directly if they want. My expertise is not strong as I can edit my index file, but not create something I am looking for. I guess I would need to change my calendar for this to work as I currently use a free vacation calendar. Thanks for any advise.
  7. Don't know what that means, just that my website was loading, now its not. I get the following message after trying to load. Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site. We can’t connect to the server at www.pcbsunbirdcondo.com. If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try: Try again later. Check your network connection. If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web.
  8. Is Johnny Down? I was transfered to that after Tommy went down, but it is not loading today. pcbsunbirdcondo.com Also, I can lo into my cpanel update, now cpanel is slow to load
  9. my home folder is what you wrote above. On GoDaddy, I have NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG
  10. Not sure what you mean. I purchased the domain at go daddy and pointed to the helio sites. Worked fine on Tommy. Just copied my backup to Johnny the same way. User on new site is sunbird1 where on Tommy it was sunbird I noticed there are more folders in my cpanel than before according to my backup and should the home folder be named my user name sunbird1 or should it be named by website pcbsunbirdcondo.com
  11. Now I get the following message using Firefox: Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site. We can’t connect to the server at www.pcbsunbirdcondo.com. If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try: Try again later. Check your network connection. If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web. This is the message I get using Chrome: This site can’t be reachedpcbsunbirdcondo.com’s server IP address could not be found. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
  12. I was moved to Johnny (was Tommy), Log in is now sunbird1 and the website I need to go live is pcbsunbirdcondo.com thank you
  13. will they see this or do I need to post this elsewhere?
  14. somebody from Helio?
  15. I moved everything into Johnny, but get the following message: Ahoy! You're seeing this page because the server responsible for hosting this website is currently out for repair. Repairs In ProgressWe're working to recover data and get this server back online as soon as possible. If you came from the internet and were expecting to see a website here, please check back later. If you're a webmaster hosting your site with HelioHost, please check our News forum for updates on repairs and any action you may need to take. If you have questions, feel free to ask us in our Customer Service forum. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Website is pcbsunbirdcondo.com
  16. Thank you and sorry for all the questions. What domains to I put on godaddy to point to johnny?
  17. I just received it, but how to I unzip a gz file?
  18. Can't find the post I wrote this on, but was told I would manually be given a link to my site backup a few days ago (user is sunbird) as I am not getting an email link. Still have not received this. Please send to TLSRENTALS@SBCGLOBAL.NET
  19. Can't find the post I wrote this on, but was told I would manually be given a link to my site backup a few days ago (user is sunbird) Still have not received this. Please send to TLSRENTALS@SBCGLOBAL.NET
  20. If Tommy will be repaired in September and my site will be back up, can probably wait though would not want to wait too long
  21. still not getting it.
  22. I have been trying to get my backup from tommy. I fill out the request for link and it says it is sending to my email, but never get it. Also checked my spam email Use on Tommy is sunbird
  23. I signed up for a new account and it did not choose Ricky, forget which one. Now I wait to do my backup. I know you say an annoucement will be made, but when can we expect to be able to download our backups? Will I need to repoint to them on godaddy?
  24. Sounds like if we do nothing, eventually our websites on tommy will come back up? Is that correct? If so, what do you expect to be the down time?
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