You can drop the attitude, my previous post was sincere. I have better use of my time than to "chide" you. Had you provided your username and domain name, which was requested in the Support FAQ, in big, bold font, twice, I would not have been so "harsh" and suggested that you go read it. And again, if you don't know how things work, you should probably not be using them. The methods you have chosen to "learn" are superficial at best, especially since you have no prior knowledge of web hosting. In order to understand the software you have installed, I recommend reading the documentation of whichever package you have installed to understand the software at a user level. This can usually be done by visiting their website. Moreover, you have yet to provide detail about what your username is, which packages you have installed, and what exactly you expect the packages to do. These questions were what I was hoping the link I provided would teach you to answer beforehand. These and other questions must be answered before I can give more specific support.
Which browser are you using? What do you mean "little pop up documentation pages"? If you're using IE8, switch to firefox and/or chrome for your browser.
Are you using the default mail account that came with installation? If so you need to make a new account. The new mail account wizard also provides account/server/protocol/port settings that you have filled in incorrectly. Which mail client are you using?