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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Wizard

    Cron jobs

    Probably not. If you're going to pay for hosting, you might as well go to a paid host who has the resources to let you run frequent cron jobs.
  2. ASP and ASP.NET are two very different technologies with similar names. Heliohost does not, and will never support ASP. However, we are planning to support ASP.NET in the future. You're right, of course. I did mean ASP.NET, but thanks for the clarification.
  3. Read the Support FAQ and you would've found the link for renewing inactive accounts: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php I've gone ahead and renewed yours, but please read the FAQ in the future.
  4. You haven't registered yet so your account doesn't exist.
  5. I think ASP might be disabled right now.
  6. Go the Addon Domains on cPanel to remove the domain. http://www.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/addon/index.html
  7. It shows as active, strange. Give it more time.
  8. http://www.heliohost.org/home/features/languages/php
  9. Have you read the Support FAQ?
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  11. http://jashfield730train.heliohost.org/ *
  12. @everyone who's still waiting: afaik, the queue is working, maybe a little slow, but working. It'll take up to a week, tops because of a backlog earlier in the year.
  13. That script's probably not gonna be up until later this month at least. I'm busy currently porting the HN theme to IPB3.
  14. It says you registered yesterday. You're still queued. Sorry. There's a backlog. I'll talk to djbob about closing signups for a while so you guys can get activated.
  15. If you aren't seeing your account, refresh your browser's cache. didn't work! like user 'eniedoc', i'm waiting here to get notified by one of the forum managers about accout activation. well, personally i think it's better for 'automated activation script' to automatically send another email to the users as soon as their account gets activated. this way, i don't have to check this forum, i can have good news in my email! We're actually about to work on a script that will allow you to check the status of your account. Sorry it takes so long. We only have one overloaded server and four busy admins. According to the database, try2fly.heliohost.org is still queued.
  16. OP is talking about the typo in "tommorow."
  17. It'll take a few more days at least.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. Oh, no... I started with www. And that's a nice tip on the parked domain. So, even though I've paid for a domain name (URL I guess it's also called) for the next 7 years, can I also park it with your free parking service and people will be able to access it though the parked name? Thanks again Wizard. You deserve the moniker. Let's see if I can explain this well enough... parked domains is like providing your website with another name (url) to go by. If I have wizard.heliohost.org, domain1.com, and domain2.com, I can point domain1.com and domain2.com at wizard.heliohost.org using nameservers, and then add the two domains as parked domains in cPanel. Then whenever I visit domain1.com or domain2.com, it'll be the same as visiting wizard.heliohost.org. The only difference is that the url bar will display domain1.com/domain2.com. In other words, whenever you edit the files in your hosting account, both your heliohost subdomain and your domain will see the changes because they're essentially pointing to the same place--your hosting account. EDIT to your EDIT: your domain registrar and your hosting account are two different things. You're not registering your domain name again by adding it as a parked domain here. With your registrar, you're pointing your domain toward our server. With your hosting account, you're telling our server to recognize it's being pointed at through that domain. You need both in order to visit your website and have it display the stuff you put in your heliohost hosting account.
  20. Did you try putting in the domain without the http://www? Actually it's recommended that you use a heliohost subdomain for your account and then add your main domain as a parked domain so in the event that your main domain expires/changes, you still have the heliohost subdomain to fall back on.
  21. I like this idea, djbob, is there a way to implement this? If possible, I'd like to try after porting the HN theme if you don't feel like doing it.
  22. I don't see your account on our database. It seems to have been closed due to inactivity. Sorry.
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