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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. For SSL, did you get a dedicated IP from us? I can see your website fine.
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. @djbob: account shows as active
  3. CMS and forum software will sometimes cache their pages and you'll have to flush their caches manually from their control panels.
  4. Wizard

    about domain

    You can't. You have to tell me what domain you want to use, and I'll change it for you. However, you must own the domain. You can get a .heliohost.org subdomain for free.
  5. Wizard

    about domain

    Then there's your problem. Would you like me to change your main domain from 'cine.com' to 'cine.heliohost.org'?
  6. Wizard

    about domain

    It doesn't matter what cPanel displays, you must own rights to cine.com in order to use it. Did you buy the domain?
  7. Wizard

    about domain

    The account shows as active. However cine.com is not pointed toward our nameservers. Do you own the domain?
  8. Wizard

    about domain

    What's your username/domain name?
  9. Wizard

    about domain

    Please read the Support FAQ before making queries. Most of the info you've asked about is documented there. @teo_turtle: I somewhat understand that you wish to know the status of your account... I think. Try this: http://heliohost.org/scripts/status.php
  10. The details should be posted here and not sent through PM, ideally. We discourage support via PM because we wouldn't know if someone gave wrong information/support/etc until it was too late.
  11. Login from HelioHost.org from now on please. It'll ensure that your logins are counted.
  12. Login through HelioHost.org and see what happens.
  13. Gmail has a tendency to block stuff. check your spam filter. Read the Support FAQ for details on how to check your account status.
  14. What url are you using to login? What's your username/domain name?
  15. The dns for stargate-tr.com doesn't point to our nameservers. Do you own this domain?
  16. It used to be like that... like 3 years ago. Check the timestamp on the review. It's probably very old. Note that djbob (our founder/owner/BDFL) was a teenager in high school when it was like that. As for fork cms, we wouldn't know. You could check yourself by comparing the dependencies listed on their website with the features we offer and see if everything matches up.
  17. yes correct, so the server load above 20 caused this error? Pretty much. We have high server loads at times because the server is undergoing heavy continuous maintenance (deleting unused accounts, etc). Should fix itself after a few months. We (the admins) can't really do anything to make things better currently though. Sorry.
  18. On the top right of every forum page, there is a server load indicator. Does this only occur when the server load is above 20?
  19. o..kay, so what's your username and domain name?
  20. The domain is not pointing to our nameservers right now.
  21. Wrong forum. Moved to Customer Support and escalated. For gem: http://www.heliohost.org/home/features/languages/ruby I dunno if we have Ruby Rack, djbob?
  22. It's in the Support FAQ.
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