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Everything posted by K_Rivers

  1. no i only have one account, the second I'm the community caretaker for, i just have access
  2. yeah i just thought it may be possible considering my older first account points to public_html but my newer account points to public_html/bb.heliohost.org
  3. Quick follow up question. How do you change the directory for the default heliohost provided domain? because at the moment its displaying the public_html and i wish to point it to public_html/heliohost/
  4. Thanks you kindly
  5. Hi Im wondering if its possible to change the Heliohost domain i registered to something else? It is current bloodbound.heliohost.org and I'm wanting to change it to bb.heliohost.org Any help is appreciated thanks
  6. Thank you kindly
  7. Hi Ive just tried to log into my account blood on the tommy server and its saying its archive, can it be reactivated please? The domain was bloodbound.heliohost.org i think Thanks
  8. Thank you very much for your help Krydos
  9. Hi I've sent you a PM with another email address as requested, thanks
  10. I made the donation on behalf of a friend because i am doing him a favour and setting up a website for him. That email is associated with my personal rivers account on tommy. So no, i still need some help please
  11. Hi I recently donated to heliohost but I havent recieved my invite to the tommy server The paypal transaction id is: 8RF409544T355593J Thanks Rivers
  12. It would be hard to ascertain, but I would presume prior to it being inactive
  13. Yes i can thank you, but this imap auth has been plaguing me for sometime. Ive changed the password frequently and it authentic on set up the first time but lately on periodically i get a notice on my phone or tablet indicating the password is uncorrected, so i set out and changed the password multiple times, double checking the password as i did, overtime the same issue. Do you have any ideas how to solve this?
  14. I just had to renew my rivers account on tommy, seemed to renew fine, when i logged into the account a few days later the CSS isn't loading, and when i click continue to cpanel the page hangs, i cannot access email and so forth. So I'm not sure the account has renewed properly. any help would be appreciated Rivers https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/login/
  15. Account name: rivers Server: Tommy domain: krivers.co.uk That domain above is not the primary domain, but its on of the addon domains. I also tried to use the renew script but it doesn't seem to be working, it just appears to timeout. Thanks Rivers
  16. I have already download the backup which was only 18mb and not a full backup, it does not include the databases. Im in the process of setting up my domains and fns so thats all good.
  17. Hi I have a account on the Stevie server named krivers Im just wondering if its possible to have the files and settings including the domains and all the DNS settings moved over to my new account on Tommy, the account name for that being rivers ? If this is possible, can the primary domain on the krivers account be set as the default domain not he new rivers account on tommy. Any assistance would be appreciated Thanks Rivers
  18. Ive just received an invite also which says its invalid https://www.heliohost.org/validate/?v=9e0e223127eefea30da8f31a12b512 account: krivers
  19. ive managed to remove it. and then readd the domain but it still isnt pointing to the directory and im getting account queued. when i click the login link it takes me to the johnny server (http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/) and not the stevie server also. I should point out ive been waiting for some time for this to come online.
  20. This issue has reocurred for some reason. After the addon domains where removed, i tried to add blackwidowtactical.com back and during this process the webpage hung like it does a lot. afterwards it said it could not complete due to the nameservers not being pointed to your servers due to propagation. The addon domain didnt add at this point. i waited and then tried again after the nameservers had been updated with the registar, and then got the same issue again. could the addon domain be removed again, so i can try again. Thanks
  21. cpanel username:krivers the two addon domains that need removing are: blackwidowtactical.com blackwidotactical.com Thanks
  22. Hi Im having an issue at the moment where i carnt remove two addon domains from the cpanel on the stevie server. I have just been trying to remove the addon domain by pressing the remove button. I have been successful in removing one, but not the remaining two. any help would be greatly appreciated user name: krivers Sorry, the subdomain blackwidotactical cannot be removed because it is linked to the addon domain(s) '***.com'. You must first remove the addon domain(s).
  23. thanks a lot, much appreciated. i normally do remember, but i forgot this time it seems
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