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Everything posted by anush

  1. There is no need for any one to admit that, here in kerala , india, its known as gods own country mainly for its climate, Here its usually 3 months rain,3 months summer , 3 months winter not a snowy winter but feels cool and 3 months super moderate season, now its supposed to be rainy still after 1 month no rain.
  2. Any way there nothing wrong with the question, even i wondered what a data center is when i first heard it, but what u meant is noob. Its not a server, but its connected with server, you can call data center as a place where servers are kept, the temperature and humidity are kept at optimum level, it even have backup generators in case of power filer, usually its run by some company. See an example if you have a web server and you host websites in it, it need to online all the time for you and your users to access data, to make that possible on your own can cost you a lot as u require multiple hi speed internet connection and back-up power supplies etc, so you approach a company (data center company as web hosts), and you choose a plan which they offer like web hosting itself , and they will provide you with rack space to keep your machine and hi end security, most impotently internet and power which is maintained by the data center company, its their duty to make sure your machine gets internet and power, and you pay for them, which is very much lower that what it can cost if you did this at your home. But the data center company is not responsible for the script or what you keep in the server. Helio host keeps their server at hurricane electric data center in US. If you still did not get it contact me or post in http://forums.techstream.org its my web forum or helio net, both are same for me.
  3. Can you give the script that you used.
  4. how did the post get [Answered], @DvlpWeb did you do that, or is it some automatic function added to IP.Board 3.2.3
  5. Ok, as i am not an admin or moderator i have no way to check when you registered, i just asked as its is the common reason for queue, may be some problem with the server, you need to wait till some admin finds it and solve it out. Sorry for your inconvenience Helionet Community
  6. You are not suspended, the account is queued. when did you register, you need to wait for 24 hours to get activated.
  7. Any way 404 is the error code for file not found. Please check if that files exist or verify the error code.
  8. It works fine for me, Please clear your cache
  9. Ok, i can understand your problem, first of all you can make a backup of your complete database from phpmyadmin. Then download the .sql file. you can use the cpanel file manager to make all the files in your disk to a zip file then download it, to your computer then upload it to your new host. now you can unzip it in your host, in cpanel file manager. Next is important, now you need to make a db in your new host, try to make the same name as you did in heliohost , then open the sql file in a text editor and remove some commented lines and just run a query from phpmyadmin. now your databases are set, now you need to set the username and password for the database access, for that you need to find where the CMS stores them and then change that your new username and password and also the new database name if you changed it. then change your name servers from heliohost name server to your webhost and wait for 2-3 days, then delete the files in heliohost server, if not all atleast the index to check the dns is correct and most importantly our changed settings. Dont worry , there will be some errors i did the same thing for my website http://techstream.org ,but i was using my own designed custom CMS for the site, but i had a mybb forum , though i managed to remove all the errors expect one, it was the new database name i forgot to change, for more information or if you have doubts you can use my forum or helionet both are same for me. any way try to contribute to heliohost in as many way as possible. Thank you for using heliohost from Helio Net Community.
  10. I just asked, any way i am no where near London, how is the Olympic spirit going..
  11. i found the following error may be a couple of times or more today , have been finding this sine last two days ,when i askd cl58 in the IRC he informed its some problem with server, even i thought that, but dont know, It would be nice if any admin can have a look at this. Warning: require_once(/var/www/html/helionet/index/cache/skin_cache/ipsServerError.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/helionet/index/ips_kernel/classDb.php on line 1822 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/var/www/html/helionet/index/cache/skin_cache/ipsServerError.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php:/var/www/html/helionet/index/ips_kernel/') in /var/www/html/helionet/index/ips_kernel/classDb.php on line 1822
  12. byron it works fine to me now.
  13. Looks like some problem with DNS , to me. Any way it works fine for me now. A bit deviation from the topic Looks like you spend a lot of time on it making those posts. Looks cool. What does that site mainly aims at.
  14. Where have u been working. Phil Dyer
  15. You can check the server status here http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ , even the heliohost home page has a monitor but not much detailed.
  16. you must mention the domain name for me to check it, and user name and server name for admins. 404 error implies the file is not found, you may be linking to wrong file.
  17. Sure you are welcome. How did you make this topic as Solved.
  18. @PenTester How did you get the custom user title Security Expert. Do you have rights to suspend accounts. Are you from India.
  19. 2012 London Olympics Logo With Css3 http://techstream.org/Web-Design/London-Olympics-2012-Logo-with-CSS3
  20. You must have renewed it when u received the email. Helio host does not keep backups, Think you have all your data backup.
  21. I agree that it can get frustrated some time, but u must think that helio host is a free web host run by a few enthusiast to support new developers , not for pro. Helio host will provide 24 x 8 support though not by support center, but djbob's (ROOT ADMIN) friends(Team members) will be online with a time interval of 1-2 hours, for solving programing problems you have a big community along with admins. You can check the server status here http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ then make a post if you find any trouble.
  22. Evelina you can delete the user from Cpanel , MySQL database menu.
  23. Wait for a while, i think its because the password change may take some time.
  24. @giorgi3092 You can install any thing that is free even if its not in the cpanel , and the installing software must be able to work with the functions and other permission that is provided to all users.
  25. @wikier you can type the codes in a php file and upload it to your space provided by heliohost , through FTP or Cpanel file manager , then just open any browser and type in the url to the file. if your website address is wikier.com or any thing, and the file name is myfile.php ,and its just placed in public HTML folder , then open any browser and typing wikier.com/myfile.php will run the file. I think you area having C++ or Java back ground , there is no complying here in PHP , or you must be new to these, dont worry the community will give u a good hand.
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