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Everything posted by naynesh

  1. :wub:But if trees grows there then they need co2 for this you need factories for this you need land but when the ice melts then theres no land so whats going to happen?
  2. Which one would you choose i would choose fifa because i love football/soccer in america they call it soccer i like it because it has considerable amounts to do and is very good.the grapics are amazing
  3. www.gamecheats.eu/
  4. When does it come out in which month because i really want it do you think it will be good.in ways better than 2007 smackdown vs raw
  5. What is your favourite game? Why? When did you play it? What console were you playing on?
  6. Could anyone tell me where which wesite is the best to buy online music
  7. i think ill try and do that some day
  8. well m8 yuoll have to post 25 times a month to do this or if you want a domanin then 500 times a year
  9. would you like to buy it i know i would because you can go on the internet and do other things
  10. there a new psp out a gold one only few can get it but i think go on a seach engine and type in psp upgrade youll find quite a few
  11. cant ip be made to save the internet
  12. i would go for google because its easier and most websites are on it
  13. i would buy the 360 because its better and is made by microsoft
  14. i only have micro soft office 2003 is 2007 complicated or simple
  15. A very interesting idea ofcourse scienctists are looking at this very closely i personally when the sun dies would go there but too far to travel we might get invaded even if ther are life forms
  16. i think all gun imported and exported should be banned in the uk because of death to young little kids please have your say on this topic
  17. Do you think that footballers get paid too much well if you think thay do then please could you reply to this forum thread. i personally think that footballers get paid too much but the taxes they get are 60% of there wage!!
  18. i think that you have copyied and pasted the whole things i would like to say that just type it the thing you have wrote down could be a breech of copy right
  19. i think we should pull out of iraq but give some food shelter and other things
  20. i want freedom to all do what every you want i think
  21. perfectly alright some people are sayin its alright cos thay know your gay but they might not be honest
  22. i would like it to be hosted in england but this is alright good luck to all apart for some
  23. i would also use adobe you now have 2 votes instead of one
  24. i used version 7.0 its wasnt that goodit i think it need a simpler way of doing things
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