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Everything posted by naynesh

  1. try some websites on google m8 your find some
  2. what features does your program have what does it do
  3. my iphone has 2.0 mega pixel camera so i dont need one
  4. i drive a ford escort
  5. i would like it because it has internet and touch screen
  6. which one whould u choose and why
  7. the exp of life a good morale learn from it
  8. spiderman 3 interesting and good becuse i like that kind of stuff
  9. no seen it but want to is it good?
  10. red the colour of the devils hahahaha.......
  11. hes amazing good for a young talent to get experience and build on his achievment
  12. piczo but heloi net gives you free stuff thats pretty amazing lol
  13. everything i have now lol
  14. i think my worst book is probably scorpio
  15. i dream of a mac f1 of a ferrari
  16. i think its interesting and its already a very bid hit
  17. simpsons,bily and mandy quite funny and serious no joke
  18. i think djbob used it because it was unsual and different
  19. i know please take it off before you get banned seroisly my edit it
  20. i like.....................................dangermouse
  21. the wii help you burn calaries and gain some so there s a balance
  22. i think that the 360 controlleer is too heavy
  23. i dont think it is working m8
  24. Do you like wireless things could you please post if you use a wireless network using your computer or a wired one please be honest
  25. broadband because its fast if you live in britain use bt 8meg
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