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Everything posted by NRG

  1. Ali
  2. 1127
  3. if you cant make a site with cpanel x use a ftp download it from download.com or go to google and type ftp and then download it and use it its esaier to use ftp i reckon
  4. contac one of the admins and they could help you
  5. i got a 360 and ps3 but im thinking to get a psp cuZ all my mates has one
  6. hey guys can someone make me a sig that has the colours black and red dark colours and says NRGwith the picture of hitman or somone or make it nice PLZ
  7. red and blue
  8. mine is pe and cooking
  9. NRG

    HeY GuYZ

    hey guys im NRG im new to this forum ill tell u a lil about my pass before my internet got disconnected now recconected i used to play nitto a racing game its very good game you race , chat and so on then i used to go on nittorevolution forum and just just there i used to be a admin at jayshost.net but they closed down and a moderator at hostGFX.com and normall users for the rest thats all
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