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Everything posted by Harlequin

  1. Iraq is a horribly pointless war, yeah. I'm in favour of your government pulling out, but to be honest, there's nothing you can do about it.
  2. True, but something that plays Blu-Ray as well would be very useful. Say you want to play games, right? Well, what if you don't want to have to mess around with wires to watch a DVD? That's what the PS3 is useful for. Although, it really is a horribly over-priced system. Wait until Christmas, and it'll probably drop even more.
  3. That's STILL funny, even after the tenth time you've heard it! x)
  4. Harlequin

    Software Upgrade

    Nice Looking great
  5. Who made God, then? And who made the thing that made God? And who made the thing that made the thing that made God? It just goes on and on. Science has a much better chance of explaining anything than religion does - religion, at its core, relies on ignorance. It's heavily based on lies and superstition, and no religions make sense. It's like believing in invisible unicorns - there's absolutely no evidence for them, other than your own word and faith, but you still believe.
  6. Borat was a great movie, don't get me wrong, but I found that it was overrated. It was funny, yeah, but not as funny as it was made out to be. It wasn't even "shocking" either... It was predictable, although I did find it rather amusing.
  7. I've been told that Office 07 wasn't really that great - too many useless features, not intuitive enough et cetera, but I've not tried it myself, so I can't really pass judgement. Out of curiosity, what's it like to use?
  8. http://www.freehostsfinder.com/host-review...&HostID=138 mine is review number 20 and the other two are awaiting activation
  9. I've seen some very nice "street art" around, but it's like... sorry, but don't vandalise. If you want to pursue that type of art (and have it seen, like on the street) contact city planners or something and ask about painting murals or things on various public buildings that are in need of sprucing up. Or, do it on a canvas in your house.
  10. The Lord of the Rings. I loved the story, but Tolkien's description was much too dry, boring and windy. He just never shut up. I would have enjoyed the books much more if there wasn't so much long, boring descriptive passages.
  11. Gay marriage should totally be allowed. How would you like to be told that you can't visit your partner in hospital because you're not "family" because your relationship isn't recognised? And, for the record, gays should be allowed to adopt, too. EDIT: And to anyone who has said "it's their choice to be gay" or similar: No, no it's not. Homosexuality isn't a choice. Neither is heterosexuality, for that matter.
  12. I like most kinds of music. I enjoy rock, some metal, gothic metal, melodic metal, pop/punk, punk, pop, jazz, dance, techno... the only kinds I don't like are hip hop, rnb, rap et cetera. I just hate the way they sound.
  13. In the book, it was Marietta Edgecombe who told on the DA, and she was "punished" accordingly for it - Hermione charmed the parchment so that anyone who told Umbridge (or anyone in authority) about the DA would get "SNEAK" written across their heads in pimples that never went away. In the film, they changed it so that Cho told under the influence of Veritaserum, but this never happened. The film never explained that Hermione charmed the parchment, the character of Marietta Edgecombe didn't exist and it was all wrong, anyway. A good deal of the book was left out of the film.
  14. That planet there could well have life on it. It's within the range of distance from its sun to hold life, and personally, I think that it holds life. Look at it this way: We can't be the only intelligent beings in the universe. Even if this "new Earth" doesn't have "intelligent" life, it's probably well on its way to evolving it. It's arrogant to think that human beings are the only life in the universe.
  15. Hi, my name is Ewan and really, I'm not very experienced at all. But! HelioNet seems to be the right host for me - I've looked around and it's great. Here's to a good host!
  16. I didn't like Order of the Phoenix, to be honest. I found that it was lacking in canon, many of the book's events were left out or otherwise unexplained and it was boring. Good to look at, though. The effects were nice.
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