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Everything posted by Van

  1. I used to use Game Maker back when it was 4.1 I think... Any ways, it was when it was owned by Mark Ovemars(?) still. But last month or so I went to the web site to find that it had changed owners to some commercial company, and that it was now 7.0 How much has it changed/stayed the same? Is it still worth using? I'm just wondering because it truly 'was' amazing and possibly still is... - Van
  2. I went ahead and Googled the ratio, and at PC World it states that Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD 70% to 30%! Also, it says that "Blu-ray movie sales increased more than sevenfold after the PS3's launch." So, "Sony might have had the right idea when it came to hitching the Blu-ray format to its PlayStation 3." You can read the entire article here: Blu-Ray Outselling HD-DVD 70% to 30% - Van
  3. So.... Your 'made to look like' Vista PC runs better than Vista... But still looks like Vista? - Van
  4. Van


    Cool avatar lol :P

    - Van

  5. Wow, I didn't even know something like that even existed! That really is a useful tool... I think I'm going to start using that... EDIT: Like my new sig? lol - Van
  6. Van


    Yeah, me too... I was getting kind of suspicious - Van
  7. Oh ok, lol >_> *whistles* Wonder where he could be... - Van
  8. I like it; it's better than what I can do... I'm in the same boat as Ace. I think it has a cool contrast between the good and evil spiderman - Van
  9. Well, according to Kyle, it is easy to learn Java - Van
  10. Hey I was just wondering, Say I save up enough helions in three months and register a domain name... A year later, can I renew it if I have another 5,000 helions? - Van
  11. Well, I'm not a tech genius, but maybe this publicity/criticism towards Microsoft will force them to create a better more secure product... Maybe Microsoft will suprise even the most loyal Mac fan boys in a few more updates - Van
  12. Like.......? lol - Van
  13. I agree, I first started with VisualBasic, and it's really easy to get into... So my vote goes for the basic languages - Van
  14. Van


    Oh ok, That makes sense Thanks guys! - Van
  15. I'm not sure about that... But does Microsoft normally have this problem when they come out with a new windows? - Van
  16. I played all the way through the tutorial island, and I thought it was a good game, but I dont think I'd be able to do the same thing over and over again... So I quit... But I'm happy to see that Runescape is doing well - Van
  17. Oh ok, I didn't get it at first... Yeah, it is weird but like you said, many games are now being made to be compatobile with Vista... So just wait a few more months and tons of commercial games with be able to be played - Van
  18. I am currently using a Kodak camera... Since I'm not sure of the model, I'll edit it later Other than that, all I can say is that I'm very pleased with the camera; It takes great quality pictures! - Van
  19. Oh ok, well I'll help you when you sign on. - Van
  20. What do you mean? What kind of games are you trying to run, that Vista won't play? - Van
  21. Yeah, to kind of agree with joe, I'm running Vistat Basic which has a lot of features left out of it... And quite honestly, I have yet to run into any bugs or problems... - Van
  22. Hey Elivmar, tell me your in-game name, and I'll invite you into my clan! We have a few good people that can help coach and give you good formation tips and such! - Van
  23. Cool, I'll see you on sometime, and invite you (I'll stat you to see if your online ) Ahh no problem! Soon hopefully, helio will host our clan website -Van
  24. That video as cool at the linux 3D part I'm not 100% sure if Mac OS can run on any PC. I think it can though because I remember seeing a friend of mine running Mac OS on a Dell - Van Ok, forget what I said It looks like your going to have start saving - Van
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