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Everything posted by Designer

  1. I'm getting an xbox 360 soon. I hear that they suck unless you have HD
  2. Download them all is pretty useful
  3. Windows 2000 ftw!
  4. Wii's fun, but I wish I had an HD TV, because I'd love to experience some of the PS3's graphics...
  5. Heh, my hosting account can pretty much live off the interest! If only it was so in real life...
  6. Isn't simplism good aswell? The main aim, as said previously, is usability, and this would mean making the content as easy to manage as possible. An example of this is not to use a set text size, but a CSS %, so that users have control over the size of the text if they have difficulty reading it.
  7. Why hasn't any one considered that it's just a random monument in the middle of the desert made by some crazy mad man?
  8. Looks pretty snazzy... You might want to consider the new user who joined (DJBOBISAFAG), probably not good. I think that black and orange works ok, actually...
  9. Nice to see that the forum is up after god knows how long I've been gone. Surely posting "anyone need help with their homework?" over and over again is the same as saying "bump"... Glad to see you're still active djbob
  10. I think it means "spamming"
  11. firstly: What are you trying to do? secondly: what do you need to install thirdly: install it! It should be that simple, but I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. If it is a piece of missing software, then you should re-install it from the source whence it came from, otherwise describe it in more detail!
  12. It looks like I'm influencing the forum already! score! :yay:
  13. surely if he has an independant ip address, you could just ban that? Unless he is using a school account...
  14. I think it's more concentrated on the fact that they don't want people to take the mick out of them, but google is a good example: goolgr.com etc. :yay:
  15. That's actually quite a clever but simplistic way to intergrate forums! would recommend something better like a javascript window etc.
  16. Please can you put all the reviews of e-mail services here, and then we can compare them. I am a fan of extras like a calender etc.. MAIL.COM - GOOD TLDS (@DR.COM, @internet.com etc.), BUT ADS, NOT MUCH SPACE
  17. They only offer that because they haven't got a calender, chat service or any very good extras - But i supposed gmail is by far the easiest to use!
  18. strategy or RPG - I like a challenge; I'm also a fan of a good ol' gorey shoot 'em up
  19. did you know that they own "www.neopests.com" aswell - i'm still not sure wether its slightly sarcastic...
  20. I might aswell cut in - the question is - would you like to be executed?
  21. I am willing to provide professional web graphics at low prices (helions): All prices are just guidelines: Simple logos: 100helions complex logo: 200 helions master pieces: 400helions (full customisation) Other work: FULL GRAPHIC DESIGN: 1000helions ALL IMAGES I MAKE WILL BE CPOYRIGHTED TO BUYER, NO LINKS, SIGNITURES OR ADVERTISMENTS TO THE DESIGNER WILL BE REQUIRED Small logos (50 helions ea:)
  22. How about this one?
  23. Intel pentium 4, unfortunately
  24. just to mention, I have many invites to offer to any members...
  25. I think its a bit of a waste of time on the basis that you gain nothing from it and it's not very interective with other player (on a game basis)
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