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Everything posted by PenTester

  1. Let Us wait for djbob. He might have some important works.
  2. You mean the slider ? I don't know what heliohost did. But you can search slider widget in google and you will get the answer.
  3. May be error occured while installing admin panel .
  4. Yeah they are able to see. Just start to use twitter. if you find it is helpful, then use it. otherwise throw it. creating account wont' cost. I think you already created account right.
  5. Some miracles! Glat your problem solved
  6. Nice work ! and thanks for the help
  7. Oh sorry.!! Actually i didn't post it for this thread. I don't know how it comes here. Anyway your problem solved Congrats.!
  8. Most of things can be found in google search except my missing shoe.
  9. Brother Hassan, Heliohost is already upgrade 500MB space for every one.
  10. My suggestion: we have to make the forum more active. You can add some high traffic topics. that'll make more money from single ad. Also we have to take some steps to increase the traffic .
  11. You may be able to post only 140 characters. It is very useful form me. I use twitter for two reasons: For Gathering info from google,helionet,kaspersky,nytimes.... For increasing visitors -- I am posting my blog post url whenever i write article. So my follower will visit my blog. It increase my blog visitors. 80 to 260 visitors within week! If you have more followers, your visitors may increase. -- You can not use the twitter like facebook.
  12. Because they banned me brother . They simply developed the google+ for entertainemtn alone. You can have business community there or any kind of fan page. That's why.
  13. I just started to hate GOOGLE+. It may take years to beat the Facebook. As Brother Hassan said, they have to improve lot.
  14. Twitter wll be very useful For getting information(especially news). Start to use it now. if you use twitter,You will gather more knowledge. If you use facebook, you will get more friends(In my point of view, facebook for entertainment) . So I am using both. By following http://twitter.com/HelioHost , you will get instant updates about heliohost.
  15. Don't compare it with twitter. I am very big fan of twitter.
  16. Server bandwidth depends on how many users downloading files from the same server. It won't care about other server files(like flickr). So it won't be included in your bandwidth.
  17. This post already answered in this forum. Before making post, you can search . Anyway jje answered for you.
  18. that's great . Where did you get this script?
  19. Thanks for this wonderful script. It will be good if the counter is resetted every 24hours(for counting daily visitors).
  20. Post the url then only we can find the error
  21. Your website is loading perfectly, that might be temporary problem.
  22. PenTester


    did you put error_reporting(0); inside <?php or above ?
  23. if google+ support for fan page, it will be good
  24. it is ok djbob. Thank you for increasing the storage space.
  25. Yeah i am also like that grey_box. Well i know how to grab the source codes Unless script is encrypted.
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