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Everything posted by painless

  1. yep i do know it and i need ANOTHER MODULE lmao... if i ever study hard ILL ADD EVERYTHING LITERALLY
  2. im on tommy Krydos already knows me so yeah.... I hope u dont screw this again like last time xd
  3. Hello, once again I need another module. The name is django-smartcc https://pypi.org/project/django-smartcc/ Second one is: sentry-sdk==0.14.3
  4. this is the command pip install django-ipware pip install django-ipware
  5. Hello! I need a Django module installed on tommy called ipware
  6. No, at that time I was sleeping, and the day before I didnt add anything that would need alot of server resources. Ill investigate more.
  7. got suspended during performance tests
  8. Solved, just compressed the web files and it is so faster and causes barely and load on tommy. thank you
  9. I have deleted the GoLang app yesterday mind that today i got suspended. My web response time is above 900ms. When i compressed the web files it started was loading much faster but the tommy load went to 30%. Then i deleted all the files that i had and waited for the load to go down to see if i was causing it. Didnt cause it.
  10. Hello, today I got suspended (got unsuspended later heliohost username is painless) for high load spikes caused by my website. I would like to know what caused my website to load spike tommy.
  11. HelioHost username: painless Node that my website was being hosted: Tommy Main Domain: painless.heliohost.org Hello, my website got suspended due to causing high lag spikes and yeah that is true, but when I installed django the first time it was slow like about 800-1200ms response time and I thought that was normal because I was only using django and everyone's else web was the same but this was the mistake. Yes, the staff team did the right thing for everyone, suspend me until further notice. If the staff members can tell me the cause that my website caused Tommy to have a massive lag spike I will fix it under a day and will be more careful when the average response time is above 1000ms ill contact a admin to say if thats normal or not or he can suspend my website temporarily until the issue is fixed. Thank you.
  12. Hello, I would like to have GoLang access and Java access for my account. The username is the same here and on Cpanel and Heliohost
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