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Everything posted by painless

  1. ok it works another issue doesnt display static files let me investigate further https://store.painlesspvp.ml/Index/api/
  2. ok now i can type let me look it up and ill tell u in a sec
  3. update: i believe the redirect loop has been fixed somehow... but new error popped up which I will need to look at the error like krydos provided me [Tue May 05 17:29:00.117293 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 51141] [client] File "/home/painless/public_html/store.painlesspvp.ml/Index/dispatch.wsgi", line 10, in <module> [Tue May 05 17:29:00.064083 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 51141] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=51141): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/painless/public_html/store.painlesspvp.ml/Index/dispatch.wsgi'.
  4. i dont have any .htaccess files that redirect anywhere, just using django's setting SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True which i added just now and nothing changed
  5. turns out it isnt cloudflare... if u have or know the solution reply here
  6. the url is: https://store.painlesspvp.ml/Index/ be careful, the url its case sensitive (if its written /index/ then it will display a 404 error, its /Index/)
  7. Hello, recently ive made a ecommerce site but for some reason when i deploy it on heliohost it throws me to the error 500 page. I have experience deploying django sites to heliohost, but this one has pissed me off. Ofc. i did the stuff that needs to be done, the htaccess file and dispatch.wsgi. On localhost it works fine, maybe a module is missing?
  8. pybrake isnt installed probably because you didnt see it
  9. oh djangorestframework is already installed nice
  10. Hi once again, forgot that I havent added a working paypal gateway yet and I need the following installed on tommy: installation guide says pip install -U pybrake django-paypal djangorestframework-jwt cryptography python-jose almost forgot, djangorestframework
  11. Hello, I made an e-Commerce system and needs the following modules required on Tommy: defusedxml==0.6.0 django-countries==5.3.3 oauthlib==3.0.1 python-decouple==3.1 python3-openid==3.1.0 requests-oauthlib==1.2.0 stripe==2.27.0 ~~ UPDATE: I need another one which hopefully will be the last one that I require for connecting and executing commands via RCon to a minecraft server. mcrcon=0.6.0 ~~ Turns out that version on PYPI is bugged and I can install it without PIP. Thank you Krydos for helping me alot lately!
  12. Hello, once again its me, I need another module called django-widget-tweaks This module prevents me of wasting hours of my life on failure, theres no other way to describe it.
  13. hey, u didnt install sentrysdk if u r suspicious sentry is like something that tracks errors reporting them to u so u know if theres something wrong with ur site
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