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Everything posted by Helions

  1. i agree...the other ones were kinda ehhhhhhhhhh good job though!
  2. Naw, I was being Sarcastic. Notice the bright individual who made that spelled 'blonde' wrong. lol, good eye
  3. i'm having the same problems...i check back at least three times a day...sometimes it takes me a couple of days until it lets me check posts and stuff...
  4. it's the way they market it...
  5. what do you mean by this? i'm having a hard time understanding... and if you like black holes, you should check out the march issue of national geographic...there's a huge section on supernovae and some stuff about black holes...pretty interesting stuff...
  6. well i think there was an experiment done a long time ago where they shot a beam of light onto some gold foil and found that electrons from the foil were knocked out...i'm not too sure on this since it was a while since i've learned this... anyways, i'm not sure if you're saying that light is made up of particles because it bounces off objects or if you're saying that it could be made up of particles because it bounces off objects...remember, sound waves bounce off objects, but they're only waves...
  7. i think it would be pretty cool actually...
  8. Stranger than fiction was okay. It wasn't really funny though. they shot that movie at my university! i used to use that bathroom they were in!
  9. hahah the scratch and sniff one was great! good job with that
  10. yo momma so short she stood next to a curb and thought it was the great wall of china
  11. do you blame the american people for eating all those unhealthy foods? or the places that serve them?
  12. are you talking about animating it to make one image fade into the other? or to layer one of the images on top of the other?
  13. anyone know if there's going to be a new ipod coming out any time soon? i need a replacement for my 4th gen 20gb ipod...
  14. i just watched Pan's Labyrinth and it's definitely one of my favorites now.
  15. i have a hard time watching movies in which jim carrey plays a serious role...
  16. i thought it was a really good movie...it shows how you can achieve anything with determination and hard work.
  17. just play without cheating!
  18. straylight run - perfect ending
  19. it's also known that green is the color chosen by geniuses... heh, got that from Meet the Parents.
  20. haha it's okay richard...i'm just glad you finally get to listen to it again!
  21. yea i think it's worth it...
  22. i agree with this answer
  23. any of you watch dane cook's show? there's so much hype about it, but i saw a clip on a talk show and it wasn't even that funny...his prank phone calls are stupid.
  24. AOL used to be really crappy...but i think it's alright now...
  25. that kamakazi one was great...i'm going to have to add that to my joke book =)
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