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Everything posted by Sn1F3rt

  1. Your account cannot be unsuspended as it was flagged for phishing.
  2. Glad you got it sorted. Marking "Solved".
  3. Ah, you're hosting the database locally, you don't need remote connection. That error hints that something is wrong with your code but I'm not sure what's it.
  4. Just go to this page - https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ - click PayPal and it'll take you there. On PayPal, just click "Donate with Debit/Credit Card".
  5. Go to "Remote MySQL" section in cPanel, and add a "%" in "Access Hosts".
  6. I mean where are you trying to connect from? If you're connecting remotely you need to enable it first.
  7. What's the error? Also, are you connecting to the database locally or remotely.
  8. Go to this page - https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=AhWFUZwhefmTlnYYO-dC77ycr8x3idD7oxctpZchKhpLkTXIXSfIcySvTw2lJs_RErlym0&country.x=US&locale.x=US - and select the "Debit/Credit Card" option. On mobile atm, so I'm unable to split your post into a separate topic, someone else can do it.
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  10. Probably you mean "iconv" instead of "incov". Escalating...
  11. It's archived currently, not suspended. Escalating this request to our root admins...
  12. Yep use the MultiPHP Manager in cPanel to set the PHP version for your website.
  13. Escalating your request to our root admins...
  14. Sure thing.
  15. Yeah that's what I was thinking but I retained it as is. Edit - I've updated the broken links and the PR too.
  16. @Krydos https://github.com/HelioNetworks/heliohost-wiki/pull/6 And noted about the shebang. I thought 3.6 was available on all the servers.
  17. You can put the "#!/usr/bin/python3.6" shebang at the top of any Python file, set it's permissions to 755 and execute it via the browser/cron job.
  18. Escalating...
  19. Your account is presently archived. Escalating this request to our root admins...
  20. Hmm, I'm taking off the "Solved" mark.
  21. There's no issue with it. Your add-on domain will function like any other domain. It's just that cPanel stores every add-on domain as a subdomain of your main domain.
  22. Which server are you on?
  23. Oh, glad it's sorted .
  24. Unsuspended again. Oops .. just read the above comments. Probably you might be suspended again.
  25. Escalating your request to our root admins...
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