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About aitmf

  • Birthday 05/22/1992

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    200 East 36th Street ,New York , NY ,United States
  • Interests
    Quantum and AI, Swimming

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  1. i thought its only wordpress that brings overload, even node???????LOLšŸ¤© anyway unsuspend me after i get my card details settled i will atleast subscribe back my vps and move my account to morty, for now unsuspend account, keep sites deactivated except nirvana.heliohost.us.
  2. Since you have given backup url in email, you can proceed to delete WordPress-x and unsuspend the account
  3. I would like to move sites to vps, that, I tried to login to Tommy filemanager but it refused, seems I can't login when suspended.
  4. i have been monitoring the load but it is still high, I have enabled cloudflare under attack mode hopefully this will reduce the load in next few minutes, am also deleting unnecessary files from account to reduce on load
  5. Thanks, when Morty comes out i will consider that.
  6. The truth is, I no longer have what to write on these details for the unsuspension request cause am also tired of requesting it. but I humbly request for a re-examination of the script that suspends us, on parameter values that were set whether they are average. If I'm suspended when I have less than 10 concurrent users, what if they become 500???? i re-iterate, am not against suspensions but the values set in the suspension script should be average, at least to run 100 concurrent users on site.
  7. For Emails, i was not sending many emails my account has never sent 5 emails a day intentionally, but this what was happening: i had forwarders to gmail for every corresponding email. there was a site which had a contact form without recaptcha, so some bot would send fake marketing through that form, then corresponding spam email form filled and sent to me, would then be forwarded to gmail, that appeared as if i was sending many emails. with that implemented recaptha on form which stopped the bots Tommy configuration Then another thing is that when you send one email to 3people, with 15 cc or and 5 bcc, the way tommy is configured, it calculates it as 23 emails sent at same time, this what is not fair to us. i have sent one email, but it has seen it as 23, am i one wrong? but still i was not doing even more than 5 people in single email. This time high load on this time of highload, its WordPress that i was changing theme and loading plugins. but will be fine after done with it.
  8. user name google12
  9. suspended due to high load,
  10. i did not alter or add any files for last 30 days why all of sudden account suspended for load spike?? account:google12
  11. i have a website that was working on localhost where there is no fastcgi, but when i uploaded it on tommy it brought turns of errors, after long hours of finding the cause of errors i found it was because tommy was serving php scripts with fastcgi. To prove my assumptions, i created a new virtual host on localhost and activated fastcgi, it reproduced same turns of errors. deactivated fastcgi and it worked fine on local host. am finding away to to turn off fastcgi on this particular website similarly on tommy.
  12. Account could have suspended due to excess in file quota.
  13. Just got a new Matebook X pro and so happy to have it after years and years no dream for it


  14. I recieved a notification that server has gone down. 3 times now when i checked it i found it off. How can we always restart the vps when they are down without Heliohost support team. as of this post its still down. vps39
  15. typing error on snap install gdm3, it was apt-get install gdm3
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