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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Meh, it's been a month, although I would expect it to work, it doesn't. Oh well.
  2. Yeah, I figured I'd keep my siggy and avatar for a wink so everyone can get settled with the new name. I changed it... Ew, evil bot IP machines >_>
  3. Why was this topic closed... Anywho, people have been saying it for months, but Sony's been too stubborn to admit it. NINETY DOLLAR GAMES >_< Too much for my tastes, thank you very much.
  4. Well, 500 bucks is a steal for a Blu-Ray player and a computer of those specs, and people were going to do it anyway, but I think the reason behind it is, they force people to buy a bundled HDD.
  5. I'm spending almost as much as the DS itself to get portable cheese >_> That's the one thing about Sony marketing, you'll die before you'll forget it.
  6. I'm pretty sure the games won't be more than 50 bucks for the Revolution, seeing as how they make profit off of console sales. The reason the 360 has 60 dollar games is because they lose too much money with their console, so they had to jack SOMETHING up. With the Revolution making easy profit, they could just stick to the lower prices, or push the prices down. That's one of the things that the Revolution is about, affordability.
  7. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3148775 Yay, now I won't have to do work to get my console to work with Linux this time!
  8. Source http://www.ps3land.com/news/article251.php They need a better proofreader... Anywho, I doubt this will ever come into play.
  9. Somehow, I don't believe that.
  10. The 3D versions R SO LIEK FPS D00D.
  11. Heh xD I love Kart... my favorite for the DS.
  12. Impressive, but the cache sauks... I'll be easy to run Windows and Linux on this though
  13. Mmm, Animal Crossing, to me, is just as much to me as a Tamagachi, addiction one day, then forget about it for a week, next thing ya know, the pet is dead, the town is littered with weeds, and the residents are PEEVED. Y'know, they could do some work too!
  14. I love the Worms series... minus the 3D version, now that was an odd bit of gaming >_>
  15. Huh, one thing I just noticed, Myscrnnm uses inconsistancy (e.g. comparing using the DS, then comparing using the GBA) to try to one-up. Scrap what I've said before on other topics, Sony hates it's homebrew fan-base. Down with the PSP, up with the DS.
  16. IMO, it wasn't that good, though, it was better than the TB battles of the other FF games, closer to the Kingdom Hearts system. It's going to be ported to the DS and the Revolution... guess it was a success for SquareEnix. As a side note, I'm not a fan of CG animations either.
  17. To be released... http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/platform.php?id=60 Honestly, I've never been much of a fan to Sony titles, with few exceptions such as Megaman, Tales of <insert name>, Kingdom Hearts I & II, and Chrono Cross. It's almost a guarentee that Megaman won't show up on the PS3 though... I hope Capcom and Keiji Inafune opts for the Revolution as their main next-gen console ;_;, especially since MHX and MM:PU obviously didn't work for the PSP, but it probably would of been better comming out for the DS for their fan-base.
  18. To be released... http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/platform.php?id=85 The lineup isn't bad, there are some good titles in it. The top five games I want, ranking top to bottom: 1) Super Smash Bros. Online 2) Mario Kart Online 3) Metroid Prime 3 4) Red Steel 5) Animal Crossing Online
  19. Hey, it's your neighborhood friendly spammerman, back to try to revive the Game section! Let's make a comparison between the PSP and the DS versions: http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/game.php?gameid=22422 - PSP Version http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/game.php?gameid=22421 - DS Version Pros for PSP version: COOLER GRAPHICS DUDE! BIGGER SCREEN DUDE! Pros for the DS version: EASIER CONTROL INTERFACE DUDE! YOU CAN PLAY LONGER STRAIGHT ON BATTERY DUDE! NO CD LOAD TIMES DUDE! SMALLER CART! Hard choice. I'd choose the DS version, if I had the choice, though, the graphics and the bigger screen is tempting... >_> Nah, I'd rather have a better interface =)
  20. Source: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=6193 I like where the guy from USHE says "It's another Sony bomb -- like Blu-ray." Sony and their inferior formats... Why buy a UMD disk for more... bad marketing, both for the UMD, and the PSP itself (games are crap, port machine, homebrew haters). Only good think out of it was that it gave Nintendo a competition so it could focus quality back into it's handhelds.
  21. The creators of... many things... including the 'Tales' series! This is one of the few games I want to buy, along with Mario Kart DS, NSMB, and Metroid Prime Hunters! Info and screens: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=6177 More screenies: http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/media.php?id=1189 Commercial: http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/media.php?id=1237 Though the graphics aren't the best IMO (NDS, what else to expect? The CS is better than the N64 though), I'd love to add another game of the series to my collection. The thing that cinches it for me? Wi-Fi multiplay missions!
  22. I read up on it a bit, online multiplay, and splitscreen... Here are bigger screens: http://www.gamesarefun.com/games/rev/redsteel/montage.jpg Source: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=6192 Gunna have things like sword swinging and the ability to hold your gun... SIDEWAYS *gasps* My friend had a big graphics discussion, and I agree with him. Although it's a generation behind on power, it's a generation (at least) ahead on gameplay, whee.
  23. $150 along with everything that's bundled. I'm crossing my fingers for $30 Revolution games.
  24. Whoa now, I love cheese =P The second worse of commercials IMO are those Super Princess Peach commercials... Nintendo wasn't joking when they said they were targeting a new audience... even my friend's sister said she's getting one.
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