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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Yes, sorry about that. We have a messed up connection between the hosting server and the forum server that is causing this. I'm currently trying to get it fixed. I'll PM you a link for signup.
  2. Actually, myscrnnm is quite fun, especially his posts. They add... shall I say "excitement" to KL. Plus, a common enemy brings people together.
  3. Ashoat

    More Updates

    I'm going to keep it here because in the past, when the server crashed, there was no way to get updates or anything. This way, if HelioHost crashes, HelioNet will remain online for support.
  4. Ashoat

    More Updates

    I've finished all but one of around twenty things on my HelioHost to-do list. I have upgraded the install script extensively, and customized cPanel and Apache a bunch. The only problem right now is that I can't get HelioNet (on the old server) to access the HelioHost database (on the new server). This is neccessary to allow automatic signups from the store. Once this is done, I'm hoping forum attendance will explode (I mean, after I resend us to all the free hosting directories and all).
  5. Hilarious but really hard to believe.
  6. You either need to get Macromedia Flash Player or increase your examination skills.
  7. Alright, I removed one of your items and refunded you.
  8. Stick it in the Legislature or something
  9. invisionize.com/forums/?showforum=90
  10. Use either the PM or the forum, not both. It's hard to keep track of both. PM with info sent.
  11. Don't refund, I'm working on it. Money taken back.
  12. You PM'd me... you don't need to make a topic as well...
  13. Ashoat


    Well, I am adding some new features, but those will only be in the final version.
  14. Ashoat

    IBStore ALPHA I

    See here: invisionize.com/forums/?showforum=90.
  15. Well I didn't change it on purpose, so I don't know what's up. As Lappy said, probably bots.
  16. Uhmm... depends on my mood that day
  17. Saying isn't the same thing as doing
  18. I do? I thought I was pretty lax regarding that...
  19. Hmmm? It's still there... and has been for a while. Click "Store" next to "Help" and "Search" in the header.
  20. I'd have to say my favorite is PHP, its really easy to use and flexible for its purpose. Javascript is good for HTML page interactivity. Combining PHP, CSS, JS, XML, and HTML always gives the most advanced page, but takes a lot of learning. I have very little experience in C/C++, but it seems to me that they are the most powerful of all 2nd-level programming languages. Oh, and HTML, CSS, XML, etc. are all markup languages, not programming languages.
  21. Ashoat

    IBStore ALPHA I

    That's cuz the ad itself was on the old Heliohost server and hasn't been uploaded yet. Thanks for notifying me though
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