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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. http://helionet.org/index/index.php?act=He...E=01&HID=22
  2. http://helionet.org/index/index.php?showto...amp;#entry21670 See the fifth point.
  3. The SQL service says that you have one database on your account: micca_sope1. Make sure you understand the distinction between databases and usernames.
  4. That's weird... I thought I set parked domains to infinity by default. Have you tried adding one?
  5. Thanks for the info... that item is buggy. I thought I removed it from the store... bleh, it's gone now though
  6. All things you upload to public_html will be show after the first slash in the domain name. For instance, if something is in the folder /public_html/index/index.php, it will appear at domain.com/index/index.php.
  7. What is your domain name? By default, the redirect should work fine. If you don't set up a redirect, it should just show an Apache directory page.
  8. Ashoat


    Sorry for the spot of downtime there... don't know how long it lasted. For some reason MySQL went down and I had to reboot it.
  9. I restarted the server for a second yesterday since it was acting slow, so that must be why the FTP was down. It's working fine now.
  10. Sorry, I gave the wrong IP. Try this:
  11. You can't have two at the same time, unfortunately. However, you can access your website through
  12. Alright, try now.
  13. I guess that means you need to open up a space for the domain name first. What domain name do you want?
  14. Use: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org ns1.bluestonecoding.com
  15. You still have the item, so you can just use it after seven days Just click the "Inventory" button in the store menu, and you'll see the item there. Click the "use" link next to it.
  16. Yah, I can do that for you. What do you need?
  17. Uhm, installing IPB 2.0.0 PF4 is illegal, even though it was originally distributed free. You need a license. And as for the Posting Plus question, yes.
  18. The rule is that if this is illegal, then it's not allowed. Also, we accept no responsibility for anything offered on your website. Oh, and songs take a good amount of bandwidth, so make sure you don't go past your bandwidth limit
  19. That's weird, I thought we had the GD library. Sorry, but recompiling PHP is a very complicated process I'll add it in next time I upgrade Apache.
  20. Oh yah, that's a new plan. That should be perfect for you
  21. I have one on being a completely download site. The bandwidth limit should cover anything else.
  22. Uhm, I don't know. You really shouldn't be hosting anything downloadable on a free server. Might I suggest using a paid host? Try BlueHost.
  23. Why not try registering for the new Ad Unlimited plan? http://helionet.org/index/index.php?act=He...E=01&HID=20
  24. Ashoat

    New Plans!

    Hmm, that's a good question. Those'll probably have to be arranged manually.
  25. Ashoat

    New Plans!

    The Posting Plus plan has now been added, available for purchase from the Store.
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