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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Can you try using the item again? Go to your inventory and click Use Item on that the hosting item. It will be free
  2. Due to the bad quality of the HelioHost server as of late, I have purchased a new server. It will be up and running sometime towards and end of this month, as it takes some time to correctly configure the server for free hosting. The specs follow: 2 GBs of RAM P4 2.4GHz 160 GBs of HDD 1000 GBs of BW 5 IPs That should be sufficient for a while
  3. I happen to be a Christian, and an educated one at that. Comeon, you are taking the Bible too literally. You've been listening to too many Catholics Dust is a metaphor - it doesn't mean God literally took dust and made Adam and Eve, but that he took what is best described as gas - organic particle gasses - and fashioned living humans from it. The Bible can't go into scientific descriptions of the exact specifics of the Creation. Once again, these things are metaphores. God "said" "let there be light" and the Sun "appeared." The Bible makes absolutely no mention of how the Sun "appeared," how long it took, etc. The Sun, IMO, appeared through a condensation of simple particles through gravitational attraction and then gathered enough excess heat energy to initiate a fusion reaction, which triggered an outburst of light energy, hence the appearance of light. And all this happened because God wanted it to. God allows events like Katrina to happen for different reasons. Perhaps it was a test. Perhaps it was punishment. Perhaps it is atonement. IMO, it's best not to try to interpret the will of God. Who's to say what's perfect? God is perfect is His way, not in our human perceptions. What is perfect to you? Do you even know the definition of it? What would you expect of a perfect God? He did not make us do sins. We chose to do them ourselves. Because He doesn't want us to. He wants to give us free will. Free will is one of the bases of humanity.
  4. It should be working now. PostgreSQL was temporarily down
  5. According to the laws of physics light-speed travel is impossible, as at that speed we would disappear.
  6. Ashoat

    Forums Reordered

    The worth to prove your "worthiness" is to stop trying to prove your "worthiness." Wanting to become a moderator only shows me that you don't understand the responsibility of the job
  7. Yes, but you must put the ads in every publically viewable page. Is that what you want me to do?
  8. Ashoat

    GD library

    You are breaking the Etiquette Guide. How many times have I told people to read it? >_< http://helionet.org/index/index.php?act=boardrules
  9. Sorry, but we'll have to remove ads from your whole site. Would you like to request that?
  10. Ashoat

    Forums Reordered

    The forums have been reordered to reflect some suggestions of members and to reduce the size of the index. What do you all think of the changes? Good, bad? Any suggestions? Also, Lappy512 has been promoted to a moderator
  11. People are supposed to have "good fact and reason" behind each and every one of their posts.
  12. Ashoat

    Down time

    What's causing this is the new surge of members we're getting. As soon as we get our new shipment of ad money I'll upgrade the server and the random downtimes and slow load times will dissappear. That will happen before the end of this month
  13. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    If you have a direct question for me, use the PM system. The answer is no, as the name of this community: "HelioNet" refers to the Sun (through Helios, the ancient Greek sun god), and the Sun happens to be an orange tinge.
  14. If you consistantly break a rule, you will be fined, regardless of whether it was an accident or not. We'll let you off a few times though, as long as it doesn't happen again. what is the amount for a fine? Read the guides: http://helionet.org/index/index.php?act=boardrules.
  15. If you consistantly break a rule, you will be fined, regardless of whether it was an accident or not. We'll let you off a few times though, as long as it doesn't happen again.
  16. That is spam. You have been fined. Next time, just report him. No need to state it That "lol" comment is bordering on spam itself, you know. That was improperly phrased. Please use at least a bit of grammar in your posts. Point is, everyone: you are all bordering in spam on some of your posts. Please try to use correct grammar and have more content in your posts. Also, if you are addressing a single member's question or concern in a case where that question or concern is not directly related to the topic, please use the PM system.
  17. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    Current known problems from upgrade left to fix: CSS in menus broken, items appear transparentProfile view has "default" blue bars and backgroundsMy Assistant has "default" blue bars and backgrounds
  18. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    Right, but the database was preserved since the beginning, and I find it weird that I bought a domain 8 days after getting the AForum4Free version of the site. I remember that it took some time before I switched... I switched from AForum4Free to AHost4Free to Varhosting.
  19. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    The first auto-post from the creation of the forum is still pinned in this forum. It's dated Feb 3 2005, 06:17 PM... therefore, HelioNet is about two years old. That seems a little weird, considering the domain is listed as being registered only 8 days later, but I guess numbers don't lie.
  20. Ashoat


    But it's an official answer from an Admin ADMIN SHADMIN it doesnt matter if i was wrong i am sure that an admin would have corrected me if i was wrong...JESUS someone needs to slip on their soap box! Calm down, try to use better grammar, and it's really not a big deal when someone restates your point.
  21. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    The store mod is now available.
  22. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    Sorry about that spot of downtime in the last few hours. It's been resolved.
  23. Ashoat

    Forum Upgraded

    Hello everyone, The forum has just been upgrade to IPB verson 2.2.2. That means that it has some new functionality, so feel free to check it out! Unfortunately, during the upgrade process some of our CSS needed to be updated. I just spent one or two hours updating the CSS, but some problems are still around. If you notice any messed up coloring or CSS, please notify me. Known problem areas are: Inbox... bottom border overlaps with pictureMy Assistant... default blue coloring instead of HelioNet orange/gray color scheme.Javascript in topic view is broken.Popup menus such as Search button and Display Name are blue instead of orange/gray.Some posts screens... blue coloring. Probably going to keep this anyways, as it looks pretty cool in the current color.The store will come online later today (Tuesday), and it will also be upgraded. Hopefully the rest of the process goes smooth djbob
  24. That's Lappy512's website. Click the link in his signature to know more.
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