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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Yah, I know. Just ignore that feature... it's not offered here.
  2. You must setup the nameservers as: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org.
  3. HelioNet has been transferred already. It's a test case, so if it goes smoothly we will transfer the rest by the end of the month.
  4. Well, HelioNet was hit hard by advertisement bots lately, and that might've been what caused the surge in hits.
  5. That was kind of a spam post... didn't really add any content or answer his question. As for the question: it usually takes less than a day. I check the list of new accounts daily. Yes, you can switch between plans, but it will have to be done through a manual support request. You are allowed to have as many posting accounts as you like, but only one ads account.
  6. Please note: you may have to disable automatic ads placement, as some of these PHP apps fail when use in conjunction with our auto-placement system.
  7. Ashoat

    Forums Reordered

    Yup... that's kind of the point of having support on a forum
  8. Did you allow time for DNS propagation?
  9. I'm not quite sure that Perl works here, but we can try some things. First of all, did you upload your script into the cgi-bin directory? Secondly, check your error log - this is available for viewing in your cPanel.
  10. We can remove the ads, but you'll have to place them yourself, within a week of when they are removed. Does that work with you?
  11. See the Help topic on the subject.
  12. Your ftp is ftp://dol.heliohost.org. Login using your cPanel login details.
  13. No. You need Custom Ad Placement
  14. Uhm, HelioNet hasn't been transferred to the new server yet The old server has just been relatively stable lately. Still, load times are horrible... at least three times what they should be.
  15. Ashoat

    Down time

    Yes I am currently working on customizing it for use with HelioHost.
  16. The server is now online and being configured
  17. As I said before, HelioHost isn't going down anytime soon. I might be lazy, but I'm also very persistent
  18. Ashoat

    Down time

    Thanks, much appreciated Server should be online tommorow, which is when I'll start working on customizing it for HelioHost.
  19. Well, considering you're allowed to spam here, it wouldn't be fair to give points for it
  20. If it changed the server, I would have some major security holes to correct
  21. Ashoat

    Down time

    ASAP. The minimum waiting time would be probably been a week, the maximum is by the end of the month. I have just purchased new equipment, but it takes some time to configure the equipment for use with HelioHost, as HelioHost uses highly modified systems for automated ad placement, security, and extra features.
  22. Are you talking about the customers? >_< Anyways, the same server has been purchased from a different company. Hopefully this company won't refuse me for some random untold reason...
  23. Hey, don't discourage customers Lifeless People only offers forum-based plans. Plus, they don't offer free domains.
  24. The downtime is because our server can't handle all the heavy requests that have come with increased activity. Hopefully, we'll be able to find a server soon.
  25. Well, this is great. The response they gave me:
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