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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. The Just For Fun forum does not give you points. Malcolm, please don't make any topic titles (or posts for that matter) in all caps - that makes it seem like you're yelling. Also, please improve your spelling and grammar - this is not instant messenger or MySpace. Finally, if you want to contact the support team try posting in the appropriate forum and making a title that actually has to do with your question.
  2. Ashoat


    Again, sorry about the downtime. The problem has been narrowed down, we are now looking into what module is causing the error.
  3. Ashoat


    Thanks for the notification, it's been fixed now.
  4. Ashoat


    Sorry about the spot of downtime we just experienced (about 16 hours). Our Apache upgrade script accidentally broke the web server, so I had to manually fix it. Hope it wasn't too bad for anyone.
  5. How are you checking if its arrived or not? PS: what's Helios? Do you mean HelioHost?
  6. How many websites can you actually find that offer a domain for $7? Search Google (as I mentioned earlier... ehem) for "domains": First result costs $15 Second result costs $9 Third result costs $15 Fourth result costs $10 Fifth result does not sell domains Sixth result costs $8 Average of these five results is $11.40. I'm offering $10. It's a fair deal.
  7. The ad problem should be gone now, try again. I just adjusted something with your account.
  8. Search Google - most of the results are around $10.
  9. Our ad tracker takes about one hour to refresh account records. Your account seems fine now.
  10. The ad script outputs text before PHPBB does. PHPBB assumes that nothing has outputted text yet, so it outputs headers, which are special commands to the client. Headers do not work if they are not sent as the first text on the page. PHPBB compressed the pages it sends to the client, so it has to tell the client to decompress the pages with a header. However, since the headers are the not the first text sent, they break, and the client doesn't know it has to decompress the data it recieves, so it tries to output it as plain text, which is what you see.
  11. Yes. I'm not sure how PHPBB works, but I know IPB offers template modifying in the ACP.
  12. You make a good point... PS: I actually meant $1 / 500 Helions... I calculated wrong, lol. My reasoning is this: since a domain costs $10, and HelioHost offers them for 5000 Helions, then one dollar should be worth about 500 Helions.
  13. The whole web of links from your main page must be covered. What that means is that if you have a link from your main page, it must have the ads too. And if you have a link from that page, it must have ads too.
  14. Did you upload into the "public_html" folder? PS: Please do not bold your whole post. The bold function is used for emphasizing specific words or phrases within your post.
  15. Ashoat


    "Helion" is a unit of currency. "HelioHost" is the free host. "HelioNet" is the forums. "Helio Networks" is the general term for both HelioHost and HelioNet. Get those straight... as for shell support, you can easily do that through your computer at home, you don't need shell access to transfer files between servers.
  16. Ashoat


    No, it's fine. Thanks for the report.
  17. Thanks for the bug reports. Second bug fixed. Looking into the first bug... First bug now fixed as well.
  18. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?ac...E=01&HID=22
  19. I'm thinking that 50 Helions for $1 is a reasonable amount, comparing domain prices.
  20. No, HelioHost has PHP 5: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/phpinfo.php. Hmmm... try writing out the full path to the file. Make sure it (the file itself, and not just the directory) is CHMOD'd to 777 and make sure it exists.
  21. Search Google for "Add FTP Account to cPanel" or something.
  22. Good luck with that. I doubt anybody here will offer that exchange rate. Actually, HerLoss is the only one with enough Helions for that offer, and he isn't active anymore.
  23. Hostname is static throughout the server: it is server.heliohost.org.
  24. FTP is accessed ftp://yoursite.com, with the same username/password you use to login to cPanel. You can create new FTP accounts in cPanel if you want. As for statistics, those are viewable in cPanel.
  25. No, but you should have recieved it. Did you enter the correct email when signing up? Did you check your junk mail folder? cPanel login is yoursite.com/cpanel. For instance, if your domain is bob.heliohost.org, then your cPanel URL is bob.heliohost.org/cpanel.
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