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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. The reason that doesn't work is because it's not a command. Your command must be a valid UNIX-type shell command.
  2. What research? I only recently made the forums smaller.
  3. What is your cron command?
  4. We don't keep passwords on file for security reasons. I can reset it, however.
  5. Put boards into one together to stop spamming? What are you talking about? Are you all foreigners?
  6. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...amp;q=cron+jobs
  7. Are you from another country? I have no clue what you are saying >_< If you are suggesting specializing HelioNet to a specific topic, I don't really want to.
  8. The answer is yes.
  9. I don't think it does. Where did you get that info?
  10. "Alert" seems fine. Remember, your login is case sensitive.
  11. Why do you need https:// to work...? What is your reason?
  12. It's available at http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/phpinfo.php. PS: The forum-supported and ad-supported plans use the same server, and therefore have the same PHPInfo.
  13. What software are you using for your proxy and what method does it use to download webpages? If you are using a proxy that is written in PHP and it utilizes cURL for downloading webpages, it should work with SSL as the HelioHost server has cURL w/ SSL support enabled, and compiled in PHP. I'm not very experienced in whatever CGIProxy uses (I assume Perl? I know only a little Perl), so I'm not sure what methods it supports and and which one CGIProxy utilizes. The problem may very well be a software limitation. Basically, if you want me to install a package on the server or enable something, please tell me. Otherwise, you'll need to figure that out before you ask me to help, as I really don't know what this situation requires.
  14. Ashoat


    Sorry, but we only provide domains for HelioHost hosting. However, you could use iFrames to emulate your webpage being at your other URL, and have it accessible from the HelioHost domain. Alternatively, you can use redirects to just redirect someone to your other URL; however, you will need a posting account to do that as ads will not be displayed.
  15. Why do you need https:// to work? Most proxies don't use secure connections. If you really want it I guess I could enable the SSL manager for your specific account. But personally I don't see a need.
  16. Why are you getting favicon error messages? That shouldn't come up unless someone happens to be using IE 5 (I can't imagine why...). As for the hosting... 5000 Helions is for a domain. The only way to get a domain is by getting 5000 Helions. However, you can get hosting with a banner instead of Helions.
  17. Ashoat


    Password authentication initiates key-based authentication in shell. Basically, you enter your password and then a key is generated for authentication in further server-client communciation. However, we restrict shell usage because of the security risk it poses. Jailshell access may be allowed if you give us a legitimate reason.
  18. The above fix should work. I just have a question... what software are you using that needs requires register_globals? Is it an old version of Mambo by any chance?
  19. Doesn't PHPPgAdmin have backup features built in? Use the export feature.
  20. What's your username? My guess is that your account either got deleted or suspended.
  21. 1. Yes. In response to the edit: you'll need SSL access. What proxy software are you using anyway? You can only install proxy SCRIPTS, like CGIProxy or PHProxy. No fancy proxy software - it's gotta work through the web.
  22. (1) You'll have to install Drupal the old-fashioned way then. Sorry, but we don't make Fantastico (2) Hmmm... I've never worked specifically with PostgreSQL. In MySQL encoding is table/field specific I believe. Are you sure PostgreSQL has a set encoding for the whole database? (3) Are you remembering to use the username/database prefixes? Append your cPanel username to your database and SQL username, like so: cpaneluser_database and cpaneluser_dbuser. (4) It might be soon...
  23. Your request has been accepted. Within a week you must put the following ad code in a visible location all through your website: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7539134276789186"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel ="9412090442"; google_page_url = document.location; google_color_border = "336699"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "000000"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script>Our staff will periodically check your website to make sure that you ads are constantly being displayed on your webpage.
  24. It's gotta be at the top. Can you place them at the top (or very near the top, like this site) without distorting your page?
  25. Ashoat


    No, you can use FTP.
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