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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. You probably get that the item does not exist because you did not purchase three items for testing, and you ran out. Anyways, looks like the Javascript I used is faulty. For now, just use IE when getting new accounts. I will try to fix this ASAP.
  2. Hmmm... the database says you're in the Posting Plus account but cPanel/WHM doesn't agree. I'll look into this when I get home.
  3. You need to calm down. No need for yelling. Your post was confusing because you used ambiguous verbs ("use") and ambiguous nouns ("thing"). Outline the exact process you went through next time to avoid confusion. PS: "Use" is especially confusing considering it is a function of the store. When you used that verb, I assumed you meant the action of "using" an item. Anyways, the signup works fine for me. Here is what I am doing: I am buying a "Posting Standard Hosting" item. I am then clicking "Use" in the Inventory screen. Then "Signup" under the "New Users" header. I am then redirected to a signup page. Are you all doing the same steps as I am and/or are your errors occuring in the aforementioned steps?
  4. Does that help? You're not supposed to type in your name if you're a new user until it redirects you.
  5. Can you forward me the email and I will get to it. Forward it to admin at heliohost org. As for the cPanel error - what URL are you using to access cPanel?
  6. Hmm... what error do you get?
  7. ORLY? u r rong i r post know it be onle 3 min LOL
  8. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to write such a script. If you'd like, I can provide my email for you and you can write it. And yes, posting here when PGSQL goes down is fine.
  9. This is your last warning. If you continue to use bad grammar and spelling, I will suspend you. teh lulz You can't do that
  10. u r nub
  11. Yah, I know. That's why he's getting banned next time. I was lax because his grammar in the second post wasn't all too horrible.
  12. No, the service in general is just unstable for some reason. It goes down at random times. Anyways, it should be working now.
  13. I cannot fine you real money; I have no access to any of your funds. Anyways, it is not likely that you have any. PS: I've fined you again. Next time, you're getting banned. USE PROPER GRAMMAR.
  14. I know. I'm not going to give people more than two chances anymore. I'm sure they can read the huge text at the top of the page, yet have chosen to ignore it. If they choose to ignore us a second time, they will be dealt with.
  15. You're a third; you incorrectly used a comma. That situation called for a semicolon, as commas cannot join two full sentences. Not that I care, but I had to mention it If you use bad grammar or spelling again you will fined and/or banned. This is your final warning.
  16. Stop spamming. In that single post you broke three of our rules. You get another temporary ban.
  17. DanielC, this is your last warning. If you spam again you will be banned.
  18. umm what is bad about my grammar? thanks for you help anyway You've been fined. Read the guidelines. And pay attention in class.
  19. First of all, bad grammar. Fix it. Second of all, I fixed your issue. PS: if you use bad grammar again you will be fined or banned. This is your last warning.
  20. Passwords are encrypted, as awesomegamer said - I do not have them on file. However, I can reset your password. PM me with what you want your new password to be, the username, and the email associated with the account.
  21. Hmmm... what URL are you using to access cPanel? Sorry about the account deletion.
  22. If it was forum-based then it was killed for not being renewed - forum-based accounts do not have activity requirements. Did you remember to renew the account?
  23. Ashoat


    Banned for three days.
  24. Santa: in case you haven't noticed, you're one of the people we're talking about. Your grammar sucks.
  25. Whoa, relax with the caps lock. For some reason, you keep on not recieving emails from the automailer. It works completely fine for me, and most everyone else. Retards even reply to it, ignoring the fact that it is titled "no-reply@heliohost.org". As for the updating issue, that was my guess. Was it a forum-based account or ad-based one?
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