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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Thanks for noticing. Ours ads system has been down for the past few weeks and I haven't had much time to get it up and working again. Ads will eventually appear. Don't worry, you won't be in any sort of trouble
  2. You are not forced to use a web editor. You can use FTP or a built-in file manager to upload files you made from your computer. You can use a web editor if you want, though.
  3. Yes. PM me the email addresses, domain names, and usernames associated with both accounts you want to delete.
  4. Your account seems to be working fine, but you haven't logged in yet. Are you sure you are using the correct username/password combo?
  5. Those scripts are available on the internet for free. Just look around a PHP forum or something.
  6. You aren't going to speed up your validation by posting here, but at least your grammar isn't horrendous.
  7. TylerDiaz: you have been fined for spamming and having horrible spelling.
  8. Ashoat


    Sorry - the only thing that is provided is available in cPanel. PostgreSQL support is sort of mediocre in cPanel, to be honest.
  9. TylerDiaz: this is your last warning. Stop spamming.
  10. Your account was broken because you signed up three times with the same username. Try signing up again, this time with a single domain name.
  11. Ashoat


    I'm sorry, but I don't believe that cPanel provides that feature. I don't know much about PgSQL, but my guess is that that language is potentially dangerous.
  12. Sorry... should be working now.
  13. First of all, bumping this topic with direct requests is pointless. If your question is addressed to just me then PM me. If you to bump the thread, just don't - I read all new threads eventually. As for the issue, I'm sure that some user just decided to abuse the service. Yup... the user is "thomas19". The server should be fine now. "Server load" will remain high for the next 24 hours or so, so ignore it unless your website is actually being slow.
  14. OK, sure.
  15. No problem, but I getting a bunch of gibberish (raw PNG content is my guess) when I click your link. I'm guessing that the error are messing it up - you might want to set up error handlers.
  16. That would involve me figuring out which commas are in the correct spots. For instance, ignore the commas that in incorrectly placed in the following sentence: "Please buy me cheese, chocolate, ice cream, and pizza." How do I know if the second comma is correctly placed or not? Furthermore, I don't think I should have to figure these things out. I'm already supporting people - it's not too much to ask for them to use proper English.
  17. That line won't do you any good, as you're just telling PHP to try processing that file. It'll find no "<?php" marks, so it's pass it on in its raw form as an HTML page and your computer won't see any HTML headers so will just try downloading it. I'm really not sure about what you need to do. But either way, what exactly are you trying to do? It seems to me an easier way of getting the URL's to match would be to use mod_rewrite to point all .png files in the folder you specified to a PHP file with the PNG file in the query string.
  18. So, you want to have all PNG files processed by a script? You'll need to use a .htaccess file, utilizing PNG's MIME type to point all matching files to the aforementioned script. Please Google/Wikipedia this, as this information is common across the Apache webserver platform.
  19. Ignore them, you say? "I activate it now and it simply rollover or is helionet not like at&t?" First of all, the sentence is not much easier to understand now. In its correct form it has commas; it this form it's all one big garble. Furthermore, this sentence assumes I know something about AT&T. Which I don't. Also, it tries to use "rollover" as a verb. The commas were just the tip of iceberg. Either way, I did my best to answer his question. Considering I probably misunderstood him, I doubt that it will be of much help.
  20. I don't remember doing that, but it does seem that the information there is point to you. Incorrectly, actually - the registrant should be listed as me. In any case, I guess I'll try to fix the entry. But this takes an annoying long time with Netfirms, as they make all the accounts have unique passwords.
  21. The incorrect usage of commas in your sentences makes it hard to understand what you are trying to say. When you renew, the expiration date is pushed back one month.
  22. Netfirms has the payer automatically setup as the owner... sorry.
  23. rkwebdesigns.net is nowhere in our database of user accounts. Do you have a username associated with this account?
  24. Your account has sucessfully been adjusted.
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