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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. That's pretty much what I did. I see what you mean, but that's kind of hard to implement. Either mods would have to manually detract the points from movie reviews, or we would have to make a seperate forum for movie reviews, or we would have to have some sort of complex parsing engine that would recognize movie reviews.
  2. Sorry I didn't alert you, but I enabled PDO for Stevie Request a move to him in the Server Move forum.
  3. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    All you guys are starting to seem mod-power-hungy Patience is the key
  4. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    I've now increased total allowed disk space to 250mb and total allowed bandwidth to 2500mb.
  5. That's good to know, as some of our scripting languages/platforms (namely ASP.NET, but perhaps Perl and Ruby as well) don't have built-in MySQL libraries. They probably have ODBC libraries though.
  6. I think it was obvious that the person was from another country. My problem is not that they were hard to understand, but that they acted arrogantly and did not make much of an effort to be understood.
  7. I'm pretty sure I didn't make any changes. I remember somebody was having similiar problems, but that was due to suPHP and they were fixed before your post.
  8. The old nameservers were still working because they were pointing to the old server, which is configured in a DNS cluster with Stevie and so they are able to interoperate. However, when you point to the old nameservers it's still the old server that is processing your request, so that might be why you are seeing no difference. About HelioNet being down: I haven't switched it to the new nameservers yet.
  9. Stevie's nameservers are now: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org Point your domain to those and see if it works.
  10. xzondax, stop spamming. You came here with some incomprehensible problem that you want people to "solute" (I assume you mean "solve"), and then you make fun of people when they try to help you out. If you don't want to be banned, you are going to have to state your problem clearly and concisely, and follow the directions that you are given. If we misinterpret what you are saying that is because you do not know English very well.
  11. My popup blockers on IE genuinely work well... as for AdBlock, you know that such software endangers most webmasters? If everyone used Adblock HelioHost would not be able to support itself.
  12. What exactly is the path and filename for this inaccessible file, and exactly what error are you getting?
  13. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    I've updated the first page.
  14. I never delete topics. I barely ever even close them. Maybe Kyougi did it, but I doubt it. Try searching the forum.
  15. By lightweight I mean that the script is light on CPU and memory resources.
  16. No, you need to go make a MySpace.
  17. Thanks for the concern I would recommend installing a built-in spell checker, though. I think Firefox has one either by default or a popular add-in, and I know that the Google Toolbar has a spellchecker.
  18. Okay, Fantastico should be working now, and I have installed all available scripts under the Site Software link. You have them again in your last post, although they are minor. 1) You must always capitalize the first letter in a sentence. 2) You must always capitalize proper nouns such as "Fantastico De Luxe" and "I". Earlier on, you misspelled "cPanel" and "Stevie". Not a big deal, but the better your spelling and grammar, the happier I will be to assist you
  19. Please use proper grammar and spelling. As for your problem, the only link that is giving me any difficulty under "Software/Services" is "Site Software". Are there any other links that are problematic?
  20. You were having the problems either because you were using a browser other than IE (sorry, FF seems to be incompatible...), or because at the time HelioHost and HelioNet were on seperate servers and were not able to communicate with each other. Try again, it should work now
  21. Ashoat

    Server Move!

    Oh, I know what that was. I stopped suPHP from checking file permissions on the old server because it was annoyingly disabling anything with too much permissions. I forgot to do the same fix on the new server. I'll add that to my to-do list. HelioHost and HelioNet have now been moved to the new server. You might notice the increased site speed EDIT I've finished fixing up suPHP now - those file permission errors shouldn't happen again.
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