OK, this time the cPanel developers tried a fix to our problem that ended up causing even more issues. Again, I'll keep you guys posted as I work on Stevie's issues.
This time, the culprit is open file limits. There are now so many accounts that Linux is preventing Apache from loading every account's domain log. I have currently disabled domain logs, which will result in stat programs not working.
I'm currently working on this issue. Thanks for staying with us.
Try using a backup from cPanel, although I can't guarantee it'll work. If you have access to WHM, you can transfer accounts. Let your host know your username, password, and that you are hosting at HelioHost and they should be able to handle it.
1) No.
2) What do you mean by "server clusters"? Do you mean redunancy for failover? Or service isolation? Either way, the answer is not in the near future.
3) We don't neccessarily have one, but we ask that you keep it reasonable. Accounts with databases larger than 250mb will be suspended.
Do you have an existing site that you are trying to transfer? If so, what is your database size?