Frankly, not possible to understand what's going on.
One day there is one story, the next day another story.
Sometimes there are two completely opposite stories from different authors at the same time. Someone writes, go to cpanel and You can log in, the next sais it may happen after week, nobody knows.
It is completely incomprehensible to have so many different administrators and moderators explain this.
Wouldn't it be possible to have one specific topic where one person reports in chronological order what have been done, what is the next etc. It would be possible to see what the situation is and what is happening in near future.
At the moment, it is as if World War III had begun and everyone is confused and there is nowhere to find adequate information. Only anyone thinks, but nobody knows nothing.
So, the last question. If the maintenance have been done like already long ago was said, then why is not possible login to account, to cpanel, etc.