We've noticed that Google Chrome and Windows Defender have started flagging HelioMine as malware on some people's computers. We assure you it is safe and it does exactly what we say it does: downloads a mining assignment and then uses your cpu to mine cryptocurrency for HelioHost. Unfortunately some hackers have hidden similar mining software inside other installers without telling people so some antivirus think that all miners are unwanted now. If we're telling you exactly what it's doing it's clearly not malware, but apparently intent doesn't weigh into these calculations.
Anyways, even if your miner was working fine you may want to check it again in case it has stopped working. In which case you'll need to whitelist it for it to start again. We have uploaded a new version of the installer that should make it easier to whitelist it without getting blocked. So far HelioMine users have earned us over $50. It would be great if we could get even more people mining though, because $50 is a lot, but we need nearly $600 each month to break even. Thanks to all of our donors and all of our miners for helping out.