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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2011 in all areas

  1. Yeah, I've had a QR reader on my phone for years. They have been pretty slow taking hold in the US, but I see them more and more each day. It's a really fun way to go to a company's website, and SO much faster than trying to type in a URL. I go to a lot of concerts and a really good use is for a relatively unknown band to put a QR on the wall or pole or something that links to a couple free songs and their website.
    1 point
  2. My advice, if you wish to be a moderator/administrator, is just to read the forum and find questions that haven't been answered yet and if you know how to help them or you suspect you know what the problem is just post and help out. Obviously, you won't have access to all the tools that we do to begin with, but that doesn't mean you can't use the publicly available tools such as whois, dig and stuff like that to help solve issues. Also, a large number of posts are regarding someone thinking their site is broken because they haven't cleared their browser cache too. Anything like that that you can answer and help with will reduce the amount of work that the admins/moderators have to do and we can spend more time with our more specialized access and tools to solve the problems that aren't as simple. If you prove that you are active for an extended amount of time, possess the ability to express yourself in a professional manner through text, and are helpful to the community you won't have to ask for a promotion. Futhermore, there is sometimes an internal debate amongst us as to whether we need more admins or not. By finding posts to reply to and helping out you will be proving that there is room for at least one more. (I know a lot of this information quite intimately because all of the above is basically my story of how I became an admin not so very long ago.)
    1 point
  3. We have already discussed adding wildcard dns support and I believe the decision was not to support it because it would need to be enabled on all accounts. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/10814-please-help-e-to-add-a-serveralias-lifetasycom-for-my-addon-domain/ As far as not being able to view your webpage, that is because the Chinese government randomly blocks websites all over the internet. It has absolutely nothing to do with our servers or our service. We can move your account to a different IP address that isn't blocked by the Chinese government, thereby allowing residents of China to view your webpage if you that is what you're asking for?
    1 point
  4. Interesting that he snagged facebook.com/heliohost when his website is actually heliohosting.net... Wonder if he did it just to try to phish people looking for us. Kind of weird. Anyways, facebook.com/heliohost.org/ is available. I tried to add this myself but I can't figure out the heliohost login to facebook. It isn't listed in the admin notepad and it isn't the same as some of our other accounts.
    1 point
  5. You all need to stop confusing science and religion. There is no logic in religion; therefore, your arguments are all useless. Religion is blind faith - you cannot "logically" prove or disprove the existence of God by definition. Get your theology straight.
    1 point
  6. I happen to be a Christian, and an educated one at that. Comeon, you are taking the Bible too literally. You've been listening to too many Catholics Dust is a metaphor - it doesn't mean God literally took dust and made Adam and Eve, but that he took what is best described as gas - organic particle gasses - and fashioned living humans from it. The Bible can't go into scientific descriptions of the exact specifics of the Creation. Once again, these things are metaphores. God "said" "let there be light" and the Sun "appeared." The Bible makes absolutely no mention of how the Sun "appeared," how long it took, etc. The Sun, IMO, appeared through a condensation of simple particles through gravitational attraction and then gathered enough excess heat energy to initiate a fusion reaction, which triggered an outburst of light energy, hence the appearance of light. And all this happened because God wanted it to. God allows events like Katrina to happen for different reasons. Perhaps it was a test. Perhaps it was punishment. Perhaps it is atonement. IMO, it's best not to try to interpret the will of God. Who's to say what's perfect? God is perfect is His way, not in our human perceptions. What is perfect to you? Do you even know the definition of it? What would you expect of a perfect God? He did not make us do sins. We chose to do them ourselves. Because He doesn't want us to. He wants to give us free will. Free will is one of the bases of humanity.
    1 point
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