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  1. Past hour
  2. How do I run a script as soon as the server is operating again?
  3. Today
  4. Added. Please make sure you configure DNS, the domain is currently showing as not hosted by us. The domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  5. Hello good day admins/ mods I want to add new domain to my account merto.cloud and strophie.site and my username is jnreyy24 . Thank you very much.
  6. Account has been reset and a new invite has been sent to the email address associated with the account.
  7. Awesome! this is exciting! Reflecting back to my experience & what I know, there will have to be effort to get NixOS working on Heliohost just like other hosts. There are many resources that already exist out there that will help bridge the gap for these efforts I could be also blowing this process itself out of proportion but I always like to be over prepared than not prepared. As such To heed @wolstech's response; I propose the use of the following resources to achieve the goals of getting NixOS working for Heliohost & encourage further development of NixOS within HelioHost: A sub category under HelioNet's Wiki to capture to basics requirements for getting NixOS working on a VPS & a bridge for other NixOS Centric resources. Existing Resources: NixOS Official Wiki: https://wiki.nixos.org Guide to learning Nix & Flakes: https://zero-to-nix.com/ A new Repository under Helio Networks Github profile. Source Code of Nix Code used for Heliohost Tracking of Projects related to Nix: Implementation of NixOS on Heliohost Again, I like to be over prepared rather than under prepared/not prepared. Having the above resources I believe would best bridge the gap for collaborations. Maybe other people who have experience with Nix could provide perspective here. Kind Regards, Vince
  8. I would like to have my account reset to start over fresh. (All of my current data can be deleted). please assist Thanks in advance
  9. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=husrevakbas_admin dbname=husrevakbas_library password=<set in Plesk>
  10. We could do the Minimal x64 if you want.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Your VPS has been reset and Cyberpanel has been installed for you. You can find the Cyberpanel username and password in /root/cyberpanel.txt Your next free rebuild will be available on 2024-06-06. If you need a rebuild prior to that date they can be purchased for $1.00 USD. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  13. Username: husrevakbas_admin Database name: husrevakbas_library Best regards.
  14. Krydos can answer this for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "not supported" since it would require he install this manually if you wanted to use an OS that's not listed.
  15. Hello HelioNet, Recently stumbled upon this resource (Heliohost/Helionet), I noticed I can choose an OS when I sign up for a VPS. Based on what I'm reading, very interested in becoming a member; especially with the idea of snagging a free account on Johnny. But looking at what I do have the time to get right now, can I choose a custom template such as NixOS? Looking to sign up for a VPS. I currently use this same template with Linode & more than happy to work to get NixOS going on the platform/beta test deployments. I would even be happy to write Guides & Source Code for HH in my free time. Kind Regards, Vince
  16. Can I install a web control panel like Cyberpanel with existing storage on it without upgrade?
  17. Hello I have do mistake on installing application on my VPS103. I need to wipe and reinstall VPS OS, can you help me?
  18. Last week
  19. Greetings, I would like to add the following list of domains, my user is elimeletca lealtechnology.com.do taller.lealtechnology.com.do tienda.lealtechnology.com.do clientes.lealtechnology.com.do pos.lealtechnology.com.do
  20. Greetings team my user is elimeletca, and I would like to add the domain 'lealtechnology.helioho.st'.
  21. Last month we made some changes to our MariaDB connection limits after multiple users abused our generous unlimited connections settings and caused hours of downtime for all of the other users on the server. Since then we've received quite a few complaints from people who are now being forced to write good code when their software tries to open dozens if not hundreds of connections. You need to keep in mind that if you're on Johnny or Tommy you're sharing the server resources with thousands of other users, and it isn't fair for you to hog all the resources. If you want to open unlimited connections we offer VPS plans starting at only $4 per month where you will have the whole server to yourself. If you are getting errors regarding the connection limit, and don't want to get a VPS, please let us know and we can help you rewrite your bad code. We wanted to point out that even though the noisy minority may not like the changes, the server is now much more stable for the silent majority. Prior to the limits MariaDB would crash 4-5 times per day on both Johnny and Tommy and it would take 2-5 minutes for the database to come back online each time. Now MariaDB on both Johnny and Tommy is able to run for weeks without a restart which increases the uptime and stability for the server as a whole.
  22. DKIM has been fixed on your account. dkim._domainkey.papale.my.id. IN TXT "v=DKIM1; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2vQ3mE3FUzsehqf1fnY2jlnZAEm/jwwkM9XuTaro0K1EF+t4KSKAwy3HZFLNnew+fIo1ICMkYo4Wt0bYVk2ceuNk5Uz5nbe1gUwAbUCbQLP25Uc0zhahvGtIjfDxN8hAO7iNrm63D4xHKPwLq4X99bAoVqukKb4O2rUs4KKZQVVlrIhcOZc1JycdFuPVL4iU1MSPPTQhT+QZu8c6KCLbmYHEqxBVEXHpJ3OG7fxmNQudr9m+Xc8L3VOhKDM49Nb0Or8wuxYbpO4bnb9CyQfH3mmvIdzjkxwKdw7Zr0L/GR/F8rS9Iv80+z3n1lGfedrYPtzL3EGskVWiOi862+Hq8wIDAQAB;" _domainkey.papale.my.id. IN TXT "o=-" The execution time has been increased, but like Wolstech said it increases your chance of being suspended for high load so keep an eye on that at https://heliohost.org/dashobard/load/ For future reference, I work on escalated tickets from oldest response to newest response so when you bump your thread like this it moves it to the bottom of my todo list. If you want to make sure you get helped as slowly as possible please continue bumping it like this.
  23. What is the PostgreSQL username, and database you want remote access to?
  24. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=alevka_envbUser dbname=alevka_envirobaby password=<set in Plesk>
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