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  1. Today
  2. Howdy, I googled and read a few about hosting a backend with Spring with HelioHost and I read somewhere that since the move to Pleask, It was removed and that Java / JSP isn't available on free hosting service. However, I can get a VPS to run Java so since I'm new to HelioHost and Pleask, I was wondering if when I get the VPS Mercury $4/month, if anyone know a documentation or a step by step on how to set up a Spring Java App backend on HelioHost? I found some guides online but they require a use of a terminal and I don't know where to access the terminal for HelioHost so I was also wondering if someone can point me to it
  3. Yesterday
  4. Hello, I'd like to add another domain to my account, i set up www .projectlazarus.me and I would like to have it hosted on your platform.
  5. Deno is another Node.js engine though not sure what it like on resources. A bunch of users have already had their site suspended some multiple times running literaly "Hello World" or nothing at all. Just 1 example: 'm not trying to discourage you, but want to give you a heads up of what to expect if you proceed.
  6. Here is the direct links to do that: Tommy: https://tommy2.heliohost.org:8443/modules/sslit/index.php/index/proxy Johnny: https://johnny.heliohost.org:8443/modules/sslit/index.php/index/proxy Make sure to keep the "wildcard subdomains" option unticked or it will not work.
  7. Hello I need to add a domain. Can you guys please help? The domain will be technologyworld.shop
  8. There is no account registered under your username and email address. if you are talking about your VPS then you can do this on your own. if you don't know how then refer to this guide, https://www.interserver.net/tips/kb/local-domain-names-ubuntu/. You can also install a control panel like Hestia or Keyhelp that can make the process a lot easier.
  9. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to work again.
  10. Hi, I would like to change my domain for the user groenlinkspvda to pvdapp.com. Thanks!
  11. You'll need a VPS for docker. Not sure about Deno, but even if it were available, the load limits would like get you suspended repeatedly if it's anything like nodejs in terms of resource use.
  12. That's normal if you haven't installed an ssl certificate. You can fix it by telling plesk to get you a free certificate from let's encrypt, and then waiting two hours for it to take effect.
  13. It works thanks! I do have one more questions, is it normal to have this security warning? Is there a way to remove this cause it doesn't seem good XD
  14. Account has been reset and a new invite has been sent to the email associated with the account.
  15. Hello and thank you for the free web hosting! I was wondering if you could please install Deno in my instance. Actually better yet, can I use Docker or Docker Compose? Thank you for your help
  16. Hello. Could someone reset my account? I wanna start over. Username: openfeb102tommy Email (mine): theinhtetoo473@gmail.com Thanks.
  17. You were suspended for having more than one account. Which one would you like to keep?
  18. Looks like Peer 1 may not be around anymore:
  19. My account is suspended but I don't know why. If I did something wrong please tell me and I will not repeat it, but please restaure the account
  20. @mingrkliYour new domain seems to be working as well as the /Hello world folder. Do you have any other questions or can we mark this as solved?
  21. Last week
  22. Account has been reset and a new invite was sent to the email associated with the account.
  23. Account has been reset and a new invite was sent to the email associated with the account.
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