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  2. This is due to the ip address of those users continuously changing in a short time period. Either use a VPN or tell them to contact their ISP and ask if they wouldn't change their ip address multiple times in a short time period.
  3. I have followed the tutorial code and waited for more than 3 hours but the "Node.js is working" does not appear on comics.helioho.st How to proceed?
  4. you can private message him i guess to help you
  5. i have a problem where some of my users are getting redirects to /login_up.php how do i fix that
  6. it tried all possible solutions but its always forbidden
  7. Account is itechpros.heliohost.us. Could you please allow remote access for postgres for user user itechpros_sb for databases itechpros_* Thank you @Krydos
  8. i didnt see any .htaccess file in my manager
  9. I have no idea on this one. The paths in the error don't look normal though, so I wonder if something broke with your account's FTP configuration. Let's see if krydos can figure this out. Escalating.
  10. Did you try my suggestion in my last post?
  11. Hello my domain cleosai.site is already working, I want to enable directory listing
  12. To add to what Wolstech said, the 1GB limit is for the entire account. So if you have 2 domains for example the limit is for the contents of both domains(files, email, database) and any administration related files(logs, plesk configs etc.). If you ever exceed the limit, the account will be suspended and an admin will have to intervene to unlock the account. If you want to increase the storage quota it's a $5 donation per 1 GB up to 6 GB max($25 donation).
  13. Yesterday
  14. Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to work.
  15. Processes killed. Escalating to Krydos to see if he can figure out why the script doesn't stop these as it should.
  16. Hello, I would like the change main domain, i already setup the name servers that points to heliohost username: fm domain: status.paes.io
  17. Yes. The storage quota includes everything in your account, whether it be files, email, databases, or otherwise.
  18. Please shut down scripts on softspider.heliohost.us; going to https://softspider.heliohost.us/bot_control/index.sh?action=stop like a mod told me to doesn't seem to do anything but write some text.
  19. Yay! It worked, thank you very much! 🥳 Problem solved :) Can I ask last question in this topic? Is email storage connected somehow with maximum website storage?
  20. Domain changed. Please make sure you create A and AAAA records for the subdomain that are pointed to the IPs shown in plesk. The domain can take up to 2 hours to work.
  21. I want to have directory browsing for cleosai.site domain. Although still not able to access the link because the dns was setup just earlier so i have to wait
  22. To make the domain work, you need to set the name servers for it to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The name servers have to be configured at your domain registrar, so you'll need to ask them how to do it. If you don't own this domain, you can't use it. Our system does not allow users to edit their own DNS records for their domains. If you need this functionality, you need to use external DNS such as Cloudflare instead of our DNS. For directory listings, you can try adding Options +Indexes to your .htaccess file. I know this doesn't always work though (especially on older accounts)...not sure if there's another way to do it on your end (there's a way to do it using the Apache directives properties, but you won't have those options). Which domain needs the directory listings enabled?
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