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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, I would like to request a change in my domain name. Please update my current domain from pmcsween.heliohost.org to patmcsweeney.com for my user account pmcsween. Thank you
  3. Today
  4. Hello, After the migration, the encontrarn.com.br website is showing the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. The website uses its own DNS and it has been more than 4 hours since the migration was completed.
  5. I wasn't aware of that. I can probably look it up in the manual to set it up correctly. I can give it a try over the next week. Reporting the problem to Plesk is still a good idea.
  6. You can have up to 10 domains or subdomains on your account, and each one can have a different PHP version. For instance you could do blitz.dl5ark.heliohost.org, anotherproject.dl5ark.heliohost.org, etc
  7. 1. We can report it to Plesk and see if they will fix it. This seems like the best idea for now, as others might be affected by the problem as well. If Plesk acknowledges the problem and fixes it, it will benefit everyone. 2. We could uninstall the Plesk package, and compile GD ourself from source, but that seems like too much work and may break other things. We should wait with that. Depending on how 1. turns out. 3. We could use a version of PHP where GD actually works, such as 7.4, but that may not be an option if too much of the rest of the code requires 5.6. This code would run with 7.4 if necessary, but other code on my site still requires 5.6. If you could choose PHP per application instead of for the whole homepage that would be an option, unfortunately not. 4. We could move your website to Lily where I think PHP 5.6 has GD and it actually works. Hm, I would wait and see 1. 5. We could move you to a VPS which start at $4 per month https://heliohost.org/vps/ That's “a little” too expensive for me. 6. You could use Image Magick instead of GD. Example code below: Since the Blitzortung project is not my project, the outcome of rewriting possibly many files seems too uncertain to me.
  8. Yep, I can confirm that GD imagettftext() function on Tommy's PHP 5.6 is broken, and I can't get it to even produce an error. I suspect it is Plesk's fault because we just use the package plesk-php56-gd.rpm and they probably made some mistake compiling it. Some options: We can report it to Plesk and see if they will fix it. We could uninstall the Plesk package, and compile GD ourself from source, but that seems like too much work and may break other things. We could use a version of PHP where GD actually works, such as 7.4, but that may not be an option if too much of the rest of the code requires 5.6. We could move your website to Lily where I think PHP 5.6 has GD and it actually works. We could move you to a VPS which start at $4 per month https://heliohost.org/vps/ You could use Image Magick instead of GD. Example code below: <?php // font size and colors $fontsize = 53; $width = 800; $height = 200; $bg = "#fbfbfb"; $fg = "#000000"; $text = "Hallo, Welt!"; // initialize the imagick stuff $image = new Imagick(); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $pixel = new ImagickPixel($bg); // load font $draw->setFont("./DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf"); $draw->setFontSize($fontsize); $draw->setFillColor($fg); // make background $image->newimage($width, $height, $pixel); // add text to background $image->annotateImage($draw, 100, 150, 0, $text); $image->setImageFormat("png"); header("Content-Type: image/png"); echo $image; Example using the above Image Magick code on PHP 5.6: Example using your GD code on PHP 7.4:
  9. Domain changed. Please be sure to configure DNS for the new domain. The domain can take up to 2 hours to start working.
  10. Krydos will need to look why GD does not support using fonts/adding text on PHP 5.6. Thanks for making a separate topic for it Escalating...
  11. You were blocked for failed SFTP/SSH logins. Unblocked. For SFTP, you must use your username (not your email address) to connect to the server. SSH (terminal) access is not available on the shared hosting.
  12. I am experiencing an issue with generating images using a PHP script from the MyBlitzortung project (https://github.com/tobiasv/MyBlitzortung/tree/master) after moving my website from the old tommy2 server to the new tommy server. The script uses the GD library to render images with text, but after the move, no text is displayed in the images. To investigate, I ran two simple test scripts: gd.php (https://dl5ark.heliohost.org/gd.php): This test creates a blank image with a black background and attempts to display text using a specific TTF font, but only a white rectangle is shown without the text. gd1.php (https://dl5ark.heliohost.org/gd1.php): Similarly, this script also fails to display the text. The PHP script in question (functions_image.inc.php) relies on the GD library with FreeType support to render the text, and the path to the TTF font seems to be correctly configured. The issue persists even though: - FreeType support is enabled on the server. - The font files are present and accessible with appropriate permissions. I kindly request your help to: 1. Verify if the GD library with FreeType is functioning correctly on the new server. 2. Check for any potential issues with the PHP configuration (e.g., paths, library versions, or limitations) that might prevent the text rendering from working properly. I appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue, as it affects the proper functioning of image generation on the website. Wolstech has also tested it and confirms the problem with PHP 6.5 and the GD library (GD is broken): https://helionet.org/index/topic/62191-tommy-upgrade/?do=findComment&comment=279291 . Thank you for your help, best regards!
  13. wolstech

    Tommy Upgrade

    If you could open a new topic over in customer service so this can be tracked as its own issue, it would be appreciated. I already mentioned it to him in our staff channel, but the separate issue will help us keep everything together. I could also try splitting the GD discussion off of here instead if you prefer. For what it's worth, this issue likely affects me as well, because I also have a 5.6 app that uses GD for text on images on my tommy account. Don't know if its broken yet though as mine hasn't moved, but I expect the same issue...
  14. Yes you can be moved to Tommy. If you want to use crypto, our supported currencies and wallets are here. https://heliohost.org/donate/ Note that crypto verification may take up to 24 hours, longer if you use XMR or AEON (we have to manually verify those two wallets and they take forever considering we get maybe one donation every few years to them). Once payment is received, we can just directly move your account.
  15. any way to switch to tommy? and any payment method available with crypto like with usdt tronc20? it will be helpful.
  16. You've been unsuspended. If this happens again, we're going to require more information on how you plan to fix the issue before you receive a second unsuspension.
  17. Your account was suspended for consuming over 100 GB of memory.
  18. my domain and all have suspended I want to know why it suspended?
  19. dl5ark1

    Tommy Upgrade

    Friendly query: Is it necessary to open a ticket in Customer Service or is Krydos also aware of the problem here?
  20. Username: svpukha Domain: appway.pp.ua
  21. Are you looking to change your forum username or hosting username?
  22. Hi Officer, Thank you for your service. Recently, I cannot access to my Plesk control panel. It stucks at https://tommy.heliohost.org:8443/enterprise/rsession_init.php?PHPSESSID=7a58ace548c76c4ca670a4f78e2f87f8&failure_redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fheliohost.org%2Flogin%2F Could you help me to have a check please? My username is jason97965. Tons of appreciate it. Regards, Jason
  23. I was wondering if someone could reset my account as I want to change my usename.
  24. Thanks for letting us know. If anyone else has any issues migrating to the new version of Perl we'll suggest this solution to them as well.
  25. Subdomain added. It may take up to two hours for changes to take effect.
  26. Greetings HelioHost. Thank you for the hosting space. If it's not too much to ask, could I please have subdomain "waltsblog.heliohost.us" added to my account? Would appreciate it greatly. Again, thanks for the free plan.
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