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  1. Past hour
  2. Today upon logging in, I was notified that my account was suspended. I haven't broken any of the terms of service that I'm aware of (multiple accounts or the like) and any time that I've checked, I wasn't using an unreasonable amount of resources. So why was it suspended and can I please have it reinstated? Editing to include correct title & requested info: a. username: thestreetartlist b. server: Johnny c. domain: thestreetartlist.com
  3. Today
  4. Added. Python is supported on all domains automatically, there is no requirement to enable it. Note that you now have 9 domains on your account, and the limit is 10. The domain can take up to 2 hours to work.
  5. I've seen the CF proxy do this because of the lack of an SSL certificate on on your domain on our server. CF can break Plesk's ability to issue SSL certificates automatically. CF by default wants there to be a valid SSL certificate on the server, which you won't have if the domain starts out with the CF proxy enabled. It then can't get one, and as such it never works. I've seen people say that turning off the Strict SSL security option on CF can fix this (Flexible SSL is a disaster from a security standpoint, but it does allow CF to pass traffic when the origin has an invalid or no certificate), or you can turn off the proxy, manually issue the cert in Plesk, turn it back on, and wait 2 hours for the cert to finish installing. Once a good certificate is installed and live on our end, it works.
  6. Can you add ml.ppblk.space sub domain and enable python in there please !
  7. Yes, thank you! I don't have much currently, but I donated $4 at least, for the effort.
  8. I use Cloudflare for manage DNS .... subdomain services.orcagroup.top when enable proxied the message and I use another subdomains with proxied, but it works well services.orcagroup.top redirected you too many times appear, and when disable it, works well. but I want to use proxied
  9. Django restart access has been enabled for the domain elecalculation.helioho.st. If you want to load the new code changes immediately just edit the /home/elecalculation.helioho.st/httpdocs/elecalculation/elecalculation/dispatch.wsgi file. Adding a space, removing a space, adding a blank line, removing a blank line, etc will work. Just make sure the last modified timestamp changes. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  10. You can’t just upload the backup. You actually have to unpack it on your computer, and manually restore the various pieces. If it’s truly from cpanel, you can unpack it with a program like 7zip, and there should be a folder called homedir in there that has all your files. There will also be a folder called mysql that contains exports of your databases. If it’s a Plesk backup, there are instructions on our wiki on how to unpack that. Those require a special version of 7zip because of the format they use.
  11. /etc/ssh/sshd_config and /etc/pam.d/sshd have been edited as requested. Can you login now?
  12. Hello, I have a cp backup of my website that I now uploaded to the new server. Could you help me restoring it? akkaunt2
  13. Added. It'll take up to 2 hours to work.
  14. Add new subdomain services.orcagroup.top to my account
  15. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  16. Name: faithlehane Domain: sourgirl.org The domain nameservers have been updated. Thanks!
  17. Thanks a lot! Apparently something further is bugged, and it puts me in an infinite verification/password loop. Your edit did make the change I expected, but apparently the bug is deeper than that 😕 Instead, whichever would be easier for you, could you just reset the VPS completely, or make a few more file edits which should disable 2FA* completely. I'm okay with either, so it's just which one you prefer. Either way, I apologize for the trouble. /etc/pam.d/sshd: In here, please just completely delete the two files you changed before. /etc/ssh/sshd_config: In here please: PasswordAuthentication yes #Make sure this say yes PubkeyAuthentication yes # Comment this out ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes #Comment this out UsePAM yes #Comment this out Then finally the SSH server needs to be restarted: "sudo systemctl restart ssh" After this, I should be able to connect through both normal SSH and from my RDP… I highly expect.
  18. I want to test my Django app username: elecalculation server name: Johnny domain name: elecalculation.helioho.st
  19. Yesterday
  20. Ownership of the VPS has been verified. I have added this Gmail account as a contact for your VPS so you can request support from either email address. I logged in and made the changes as requested to the /etc/pam.d/sshd file. Can you login now?
  21. I understand. It's because this account is my original account I used for your web host a few years back, and "drdark24" is my VPS account. I emailed your support mail now. Thanks a lot.
  22. The email address for this forum account doesn't match the email address used to create VPS59. Here is the forum account that uses the same email address https://helionet.org/index/profile/215619-drdark24/ Here are your options: Post your request from the forum account listed above. Email your support request to support@heliohost.org from the email address used to create your VPS. Post with the forum account listed above asking for this other email address to be added to your VPS account. Email to support@heliohost.org from the email address used to create your VPS asking for this email address to be added to your VPS account. This email verification is needed to help prevent someone from pretending to be you to delete your data or remove security from your VPS, etc.
  23. It's partially suspended because you ran out of disk space. Do you want me to delete something to bring you under quota so you can be unsuspended? If not, you can also purchase additional space at $5/1000MB, with a maximum of 6000MB per person.
  24. Please my acount is suspend ?? please active my account ramelseg ramelseg.helioho.st Thankyou
  25. No. It appears you already have an account that's active (devhamza23). Creating another account will get both suspended. Users are only allowed to have ONE account, so you need to use the devhamza23 account for everything. If you need a second domain on your active account, just ask. There is no need to have 2 accounts to have more than one site.
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