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  1. Today
  2. Your account has been reset and a new invite has been sent to your email address.
  3. Node V18 will likely be available on our upcoming server Morty. Johnny supports up to Node 16 and Tommy supports up to Node 17
  4. Reset account can I upgrade node to v18 because I want to run an open source uptime kuma(monitoring code)
  5. Yesterday
  6. The upload_max_filesize and post_max_size have been increased to 16MB for your domain. It can take up to 2 hours to be effective.
  7. This is inaccurate. Odds are it's leftover from the cPanel days when this was supported. A lot of the wiki was find and replaced to say Plesk, but may not be accurate as a result. Plesk cannot talk to the DNS system we use, so the DNS options have been removed. The issue is that Plesk does not offer a product for running DNS on a separate server from the box that hosts the websites. It's designed to only run DNS on the same server, which we can't do for memory and performance reasons. This is also the reason why you can't add domains yourself. The hope is that we'll be able to develop a way to make these two systems talk to each other, but there is no estimate on when this functionality will be made available. The DNS record listed has been added for you, but the domain is not using our DNS servers (I'm seeing HE's DNS when I check the name servers for your domain, not ours). The record won't actually work unless the domain uses ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org for its name server, or you add it yourself to the third party DNS server.
  8. Looks like it's already been unsuspended and the space upgraded, as it's now a 3000MB account with about 993MB free.
  9. You can donate at https://heliohost.org/donate/
  10. Can you please un-suspend my account please and give me link to donate to upgrade my account space? Thank You!
  11. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  12. I have to add next TXT record into DNS of my domain dosprn.in google-site-verification=cngs_UTMNrZ127DQuNXFaCAyNEfHtTaZLf7lKH6hK4A I see your wiki mentioned the Plesk allows to manage zone records (A, CNAME, TXT) But I can't find this option unfortunately.
  13. Our ISP rebooted some network hardware for us and our internet connection appears to be working as normal again. Let us know if you’re still having issues connecting to our servers.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  15. Logins via social media are usually done using OAuth and OpenID Connect, which can be non-trivial to implement. For development purposes, as long as you're just testing on your own computer, I'd recommend building a mock login flow that just takes a username. It would be far too insecure to expose to the public Internet, but it would give you an opportunity to work out your database layer, which will be required for OAuth anyway.
  16. Krydos

    ISP Network Issues

    It seems like some IP addresses around the world are being blocked from accessing the servers in our cabinet. If your IP address is affected you will see a timeout error for https://heliohost.org https://helionet.org https://johnny.heliohost.org https://tommy2.heliohost.org and every other server that we own. If your IP address isn’t affected everything will be working as usual. It seems like the IPs are being blocked on our ISP’s level so it’s not something under our direct control. We have contacted our ISP to see if they can fix it. In the meantime if you need to connect to our servers please try switching to another internet connection or using a VPN. We will let you know when everything is working normally again.
  17. Hi Support Team, Could you increate php configuration upload_max_filesize to 10mb? Thanks
  18. @wolstech Could you also increase those settings for mine? Thank you
  19. Last week
  20. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  21. Hi, would it be possible to get the LWP::Protocol::https installed. In the community it tells, that only admin could do it. Thanks Alex
  22. You were suspended for creating multiple accounts, which is against our terms of service. Is this the account you'd like to keep?
  23. Account has been reset and a new invite was sent to your email address.
  24. Hi my user name is hwgc and want to reset/start over my account, I understand this is a permanent action and wish to proceed. Can you help me with that please?
  25. Your account has been deleted. You should receive an email to create a new account momentarily.
  26. I would like an admin to reset my account to start all over again. Thanks
  27. We used to allow unlimited domains, but people like you ruined it for everyone by adding hundreds of pointless domains and causing our uptime to drop because of there being too many domains on the server.
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