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  1. Today
  2. Your free web hosting seem to be fast now since switching to plesk, so I just wonder if you offer any shared Linux web hosting service for say domain eg .com, .top. If so what are the charges for storage of 3 G, can it be priced in local currency, not USD
  3. I want to use space to build a map bed website, so lead to abnormal traffic, if you can't build a map bed website, I will delete relevant data and rebuild other websites.
  4. I want to replicate the exact UI that WhatsApp has for its status screen to show the count of statuses along with active and inactive contexts. See the image for reference:
  5. Yes, as I cannot start a session within WebSocket because it will replace the previous session whenever a new client is authenticated.
  6. Bro where & how to limit the log file, do I use logrotate() in plesk
  7. Yesterday
  8. You were suspended for having more than one account. Which one would you like to keep?
  9. My account with was suspend, but i don't understand the reason, I have not start using it, Last week I tryed to access and it was suspended, can i have the account back? Thank you
  10. Thank you bro for the clearing & the helpful info FTP using TotalCommander now working. Cherrio
  11. Here is your disk usage: Backups 0 MB Emails 4.17 MB Files 693.30 MB Trash 0 MB Logs 126.91 MB PSQL 0 MB MySQL 186.69 MB Total 1011.07 MB Your logs look a little big -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 0 Jan 11 2023 access_log -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 8.7M Jun 25 06:47 access_log.processed -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3.6K Jun 25 06:46 access_log.webstat -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 46K Jun 25 20:02 access_ssl_log -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 113M Jun 25 06:47 access_ssl_log.processed -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 152K Jun 25 06:46 access_ssl_log.webstat -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 4.9M Jun 25 08:12 error_log -rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln 136K Jul 26 2019 peace2u.heliohost.org-Jul-2019.gz -rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln 41K Jul 14 2021 peace2u.heliohost.org-Jul-2021.gz -rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln 25K Jul 26 2019 peace2u.heliohost.org-ssl_log-Jul-2019.gz -rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln 70K Jul 14 2021 peace2u.heliohost.org-ssl_log-Jul-2021.gz -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 1.1K Jun 25 18:47 proxy_access_log -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 3.2K Jun 25 18:51 proxy_access_ssl_log -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 454K Jun 25 14:20 proxy_error_log drwxr-xr-x. 2 fuzmic psacln 6 Sep 21 2020 roundcube -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 0 Apr 16 04:49 xferlog_regular -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 12K Apr 16 04:49 xferlog_regular.processed 113 MB of your total space is occupied by that one access log. I recommend setting a maximum size of 10-50 MB or so for logs in Plesk unless you actually need all of that log data. You can send us $5 USD with PayPal, or any of the cryptocurrencies listed at https://heliohost.org/donate/ I deleted that one log file and your usage looks like this now. Backups 0 MB Emails 4.17 MB Files 693.30 MB Trash 0 MB Logs 14.54 MB PSQL 0 MB MySQL 186.69 MB Total 898.70 MB Can you login now?
  12. Looks like my FTP block came from the website suspension, just wait for removal of some unnecessary files such as those added due to migration to plesk. Just queuing to be fixed. Perhaps time to add more space. What is the cheapest way to double my current storage. The USD translation to Ringit is steep. 😢
  13. Woldtech, Thanks again https://helionet.org/index/forum/75-escalated-requests/
  14. You're suspended for excessive resource usage (the cliff is the suspension). You can watch your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Please fix the load issue quickly. Wordpress and node apps are two of the biggest offenders, but plenty of other software can also cause this. If you need help with ideas for reducing the load, please let us know and we can help. Unsuspended.
  15. Escalated topics are just topics that have been moved to this forum: https://helionet.org/index/forum/75-escalated-requests/ View that forum to see the escalated stuff. Anyone can view those, but only mods/admins can create new topics in there or move a topic into that forum. Seekier already answered the suspension question. If an account is suspended for disk space overuse specifically, you can still view your site, but cannot access any file management functions until an admin deletes something for you to bring you under quota.
  16. We can unsuspend both, but you'll need to prove there's actually 2 people, and you'd need to agree to never log into your cousin's account again (your cousin would need to manage that himself from his own computer). If you're going to manage both websites, it would be better if we merge the accounts and move the domains from his account into your account. You can host more than one site on a single account, and you can even add a second plesk username if you want him to be able to log into it as well. The only consideration here would be that sometimes the sites don't fit, in which case you'd need to purchase more disk space. Please let us know how you want to proceed.
  17. Lolz..., Admins should answer Yes every links to that site won't work until it is unsuspended
  18. My website prompts that it has exceeded the 24-hour limit (100 GB memory or 10,000 CPU). I would like to request that the limit be lifted and my website be opened. Thank you!
  19. 2 Questions In app format how to display escalated threads? If website is suspended does it mean FTP service is also suspended?
  20. I try to use FileZilla to do FTP by login to using username fuzmic i get following response "530 Login incorrect. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server" Is all these a case suspended Ac?
  21. Krydos or another root admin will need to assist you in clearing some of your storage space. Escalating...
  22. Friends I am facing 2 problems with my peace2u.heliohost.org When i log into to via ohnny.heliohost.org:8443, i notice my account is suspended probably because my site has execeeded the limit of 1M ie 1010.7 MB used of 1000 MB When i try to go into the backend of the site using FTP, i have problem. Please tell me how i to resolve this. I use with username fuzmic and use my password but entry is not possible. I use TotalCommander to access. TC may be the problem. Please help. Thank you.
  23. Our terms of service prohibits having more than one account, so you'll need to choose which account you would like unsuspended.
  24. Last week
  25. Merged since one is duplicate and they're both the same user anyway. Please answer the question about which account you want to keep. You're only allowed to have exactly one account. Again, which ONE account do you want to keep? If you continue to post new topics about this issue and not answer the question, you will not be unsuspended, and depending on your behavior may be subject to a permanent ban for harassing staff/misuse of the forum instead.
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