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  2. There's no account under your username or email address associated with this forum account. What is your username?
  3. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=youkko_main dbname=youkko_mages password=<set in Plesk>
  4. Yesterday
  5. Can you pls share which other account i have been tagged so i can understand better. Thanks
  6. Is it possible to find status of the servers and overall services? I have trouble connecting to Plesk and FTP - are the servers running?
  7. AH01512: mod_mime_magic: can't read `/home/tradewithmadhan.helioho.st/httpdocs/cgi-bin/BSE_Bulk.py' Am getting above error when i try to run python app .. pls help to fit it asap This issue for tow python app i tried as of now
  8. tradewithmadhan.helioho.st is my main domain.. Create subdomains suffix with sd01 ,sd02 , sd03, sd04,sd05,sd06,sd07,sd08,,sd09 and ,sd10 Please create this subdomains .. Thanks and regards , Madan kumar.
  9. It is intentionally disabled. If you want root access to change settings like this you can do so on a VPS https://heliohost.org/vps/ Does it work now?
  10. Last week
  11. campusiq.ingenieroquimico.org campus17k.helioho.st user: campus17k Thank you very much.
  12. Did it after the last suspension from time to time. Like this time, I have no idea when and why this is getting out of control. 🤷‍♀️
  13. Enabled. You should now be able to restart your Django app by editing the dispatch.wsgi file.
  14. Hi team, requesting to enable 2 subdomains for my account .. User Name : tradewithmadhan Regards and thanks, Madhan kumar
  15. Deleted. Do you want the forum account deleted as well?
  16. I want to delete my account asap
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  18. Hello, I need to change the php_value max_input_vars The configuration that I need is the following: php_value max_input_vars 5000 I can't find the PHP editor for change it. Thanks for your help.
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