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  1. Yesterday
  2. @MoneyBroz If he donates now through the tommy option on the signup page, it should just send the invite automatically since you deleted his account. The manual verification and invite is only needed if the user currently has a Johnny account when they donate.
  3. Ok, thanks a lot. I think I already found some code to use a pidfile to check if it is running and also to kill.
  4. Good morning. I want to import a 250MB backup with all in one wp migration on Wordpress and the limit is 50MB. Can you increase this limit so that I can import the backup. THANKS
  5. Deleted. Thank you for using heliohost.
  6. Just want to express my gratitude about how great is the the hardwork and effort you guys put into running this service, and it has helped me to kickstart my project without breaking my bank for buying a paid service. I've done a lot of experimental stuff such as exploring, HTML, CSS and etc. to sharpen my skillset as an IT tech savvy. I couldn't achieve my milestone without the work you guys put in. Thanks again!
  7. If you mean you want to send us a check or cash, no. We only take electronic payment (Paypal or crypto, as above) as we have no office. For very large donations (>$100) I believe we've taken checks sent to our registered address, but it can take months to actually receive them since nobody who runs HH is actually there (HelioHost has no physical presence beyond a rented server rack). We can provide a receipt for a donation for tax purposes, though I'm not sure we ever have beyond what you get from Paypal. Also, a Tommy account is technically given as a thank you gift for a donation, not as a service offered for sale, and as such they aren't really something that can be invoiced in the conventional sense. The service itself (shared hosting) is completely free, it's just that non-donors end up on a different server. The servers are functionally identical at the moment, and (rather ironically) the free one is actually faster right now. We could likely send an invoice for a VPS if you wanted to do that as they are sold as a subscription service, but it would still require electronic payment and we usually require a 6 month commitment for nonstandard payment on VPSes.
  8. Last week
  9. Aand, its back up. Must've been a site glitch. Sorry about that.
  10. It can take up to 2 hours before they work because Apache has to restart before the domains will work after a merge.
  11. Hi, I'm creating a social media with a real-time chat application using PHP WebSocket, the basic functionalities are working properly but I need to implement some other features as well. So I need help with the following related to the chat application: Login to the WebSocket using the credentials users use to log into the social media. Allow users to chat with their friends only. Identify users from the database using their ID and fetch data from the database. Show online/offline status based on the WebSocket. Show if a message is pending/sent/delivered/seen status. Show typing notification to the other user. I'm attaching a screenshot of the chat screen:
  12. All donors prior to 2021 have been given Johnny invites because Tommy is too full. If you want a Tommy account you have to make a recent donation.
  13. Closing as duplicate since this is being handled in the escalated forum.
  14. There isn't really anything on our end that would cause this, so odds are its defective code doing something like using DELETE without a WHERE statement...
  15. It will be labeled as external email address.
  16. Yep, it looks like Hestia is already installed on your VPS. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  17. Thank you very much. Aside from webmail, SSL is now working for my domain. Hopefully the wildcard option will be available soon.
  18. The account husker is already active in the system. Try to login and if it doesn't work then report the issue and a root admin can investigate the issue further.
  19. I find it unlikely, but without seeing your Python script it's hard for me to say.
  20. how can change the PHP Composer folder when click on change Go to the application folder[change] nothing done the old folder contains the .json file I deleted it to set another folder and file
  21. Email service has been enabled again. Since you're using Cloudflare you'll need to set SPF, DKIM, and DMARC up yourself now.
  22. Yes, i tried specific ip to access or vise versa and i think it Didn't work. The deny from all will work though
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